Chapter 2

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I look up to the face of an angel and the soul of a demon.





I looked up to see the smirking jerk face. While I was speechless and frozen, Liam kept smiling and said, "Well, well well if it isn't Ms.Loner."

I was too shocked to respond and just kept blinking. The world around me stopped. He ofcourse kept smirking while I just pushed through his possy and went to class.


At lunch, I was sitting in my usual table with Parker, telling him everything that happened. His mouth was hanging open and when I told him that I just walked away, he started laughing.

Yes, that jerk just started laughing while I shot him daggers.

After he calmed down and caught his breath he said, "You were never the one to just walk away Hailey."

That was true. I always stood up for myself because I never cared what people thought about me.

I shrugged, "I dont know what happened. I guess Liam hypnotized me or something."

And that's how my lunch was spent: with Parker laughing at me :/

After that, school (thankfully) went by fast.

I came home, to an empty one as usual. My dad was always at work. After my mom left us for drugs, my dad did everything to busy himself.

Anyways, after cooking and changing into my Pj's I put on White Collar and continued watching it while eating like a pig (aka my usual day).

In the middle of the episode, all of a sudden loud music starts blasting outside. WTH! I can't hear the beautiful Neal Caffrey!!!!

I put my plate on the coffee table and opened the front door. Liam's possy aka "the populars" were driving by the neighborhood, slowly if I may add, and blasting music. It was so loud my house shook. I was so angry. The hairs on the back of my neck stood out. Who the hell do they think they are driving by and blasting that crap they call music.

All of a sudden, a voice speaks out:

"Why so angry kitten? Are we disturbing you?"

I stood there even more angry (if possible) to see a smirking jerk.......



Any White Collar fans out there?

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