I couldn't bear the thought of spending eternity in this hellish prison, cut off from the world and the people I loved. What if I never saw Aurora again, never felt the warmth of her touch or the light in her eyes? The mere thought of her suffering a fate similar to ours filled me with a sense of desperate urgency. as I pondered our dire situation, a sense of hopelessness threatened to overwhelm me.

I have to get us out of here... but how?

I tried my best to keep the hope alight within my heart, but as the hours dragged on and Luca's voice became hoarse and slowly faded into silence... I knew I'd have to accept the fact that we were doomed.


I blinked my eyes open to the familiar sound of the cell door creaking, and I quickly stood up, steeling myself for whatever awaited beyond its confines. Dimitri, resplendent in his princely attire, greeted me with a curt nod as he proceeded to tie me up once again, leading me out of the prison and into the main castle. We traversed the corridors in silence until we reached the imposing doors of the Great Hall.

Inside, I caught sight of Luca, his appearance ragged and worn, as though he had endured a brutal ordeal.

Did he try killing himself? Concern gnawed at me and our eyes met briefly, but I turned my gaze forward as Dimitri cleared his throat.

"Her excellency, Morgana, the highest witch queen, and Raven's mistress!" A guard announced her arrival, and the wicked Morgana swept into the room with an air of malevolence. Was that a royal dress she wore? Despite her sinister presence, I noted a slight aging in her features, a hint that perhaps the magic sustaining her youth was beginning to wane.

"Hello, Kelvin and Luca," she greeted us with a smirk dripping with malice. "I trust you've enjoyed your accommodations?" Her words sent a shiver down my spine, the underlying threat all too clear.

"Kelvin, since I am a merciful ruler I wanted to offer you the chance of becoming one of us one last time before I decide anything." Luca shot me a look, and I sighed.

"As I told you before, Morgana, I will not betray the Queen."

"Again," she said with an evil chuckle, and I winced.

"What is she talking about?" Luca whispered.

"I'll explain it later if there is a later." I couldn't help but yelp as Dimitri forcibly pushed my head down. His fingers dug into my skull as if he was purposefully trying to hurt me.

"It's your last chance, Kelvin; I wouldn't take that so lightly..." Morgana probed.

"No, thank you..." I replied through gritted teeth, relief flooding through me as Dimitri finally released his hold.

"Very well then, since you will not yield, I will have no choice but to execute you both for rebelling against King Ignatius of Juvelia." She rubbed her forefinger and thumb together as she continued. "You both will be tied to a scaffold and you will remain there for the span of three days. If the Princess is to show her face and surrender, then your lives will be spared. But if she doesn't, you will be burned at the stake."

"Three days?" Luca's groan mirrored the sinking feeling in my gut.

"Did I mention you won't be given any food or water?" Morgana added with a twisted grin as though she was relishing our suffering. My stomach churned at the thought, already weakened from the meager prison rations we had endured. A thought struck me then; perhaps I could buy us time.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now