CH. 21 Mercenaries

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As we ventured higher into the mountains, each step felt like a test of our resolve. The air grew thinner, chilling me to the bone, but I pushed forward, my eyes fixed on the path ahead. Luca, Richard, Willow, Juljá, Juleljus, Aurora, Vladimir, and the soldiers moved with a silent determination, driving us toward our destination: the elusive Crystal City.

As the snow continued to fall relentlessly for the past two days, it became increasingly difficult to dismiss Aurora's suspicions about the Snow Queen and Morgana's collusion. Each flake that settled on the ground seemed to carry with it a whisper of menace, a reminder of the power that lurked in the icy depths of the mountains.

Aurora's words echoed in my mind, her fears mirrored by the chilling reality unfolding around us. The memory of the Snow Queen's taunts in our shared dream sent a shiver down my spine, a cold dread settling in the pit of my stomach.

Despite my own unease, I kept my concerns hidden from Aurora. She still believed that the dream was her own, unaware of the connection we shared in that haunting vision. It was better that way, I reasoned, I was too afraid of what she would do if she found out that we'd nearly made love.

As we trekked higher into the mountains, my mind was consumed by a single, burning question: Could Vladimir be Nicolas' father? The weight of this uncertainty hung heavy on my shoulders, casting a shadow in my mind. Despite the biting cold and treacherous terrain, my thoughts remained fixated on the possibility, my curiosity gnawing at me like a persistent itch. Vladimir and Aurora were riding behind Luca and I, engaged in conversation that I strained to overhear. Every word they exchanged sparked a flurry of questions in my mind. Were they discussing Nicolas?

Desperate for answers, I pulled back a bit, attempting to eavesdrop on their conversation without drawing attention to myself. But their words were muffled by the wind and the sound of our footsteps crunching in the snow, leaving me frustrated and no closer to the truth.

Then the realization hit me like a sudden avalanche, burying my hopes beneath a mountain of uncertainty. If Vladimir was indeed Nicolas' father, then any chance of a future with Aurora would be lost to me forever.

The thought was like a dagger to the heart, piercing through the fragile hopes I had dared to nurture. Aurora's presence beside me, her warmth and kindness, had become a beacon of light in the darkness of my journey. But now, that light seemed dimmed by the harsh reality that we'd never be together whether or not Vlad was the father. Could I bear to see Aurora with another man, to watch as they built a life together, while I remained on the sidelines, a silent observer to their happiness?

Luca was the one who had made sure that Vladimir was smuggled out of the Capitol City safely. As the realization sank in, a wave of resignation washed over me. If Luca was truly the one bringing this family back together, then who was I to stand in the way of their happiness? I couldn't ignore the stark contrast between his noble intentions and my own checkered past as a common criminal.

Aurora, destined to be queen, deserved someone worthy of her station—someone who could offer her the stability and respect she deserved. I had always known that I was not that person, but now, faced with the prospect of Nicolas being Vladimir's son, it became painfully clear.

I couldn't allow my own selfish desires to cloud my judgment or hinder Aurora's path to happiness. If stepping aside meant ensuring her well-being and the restoration of her family, then I had to accept my role as a mere bystander in her life. I resolved to support Aurora and Vladimir in whatever way I could, even if it meant sacrificing my own feelings in the process. They deserved a chance at happiness.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now