*Content Warning* 🌶️🔪❗

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This story contains mature themes and content; needless to say, this book is not for the faint of heart. If you as an individual are not comfortable with themes like genocide/war/gore/violence/rape, this book is not for you. Additionally, if you're not a fan of curse words or smut/spice/sexual scenes or suggestions. This book is not for you. (I don't put a lot of smut in my content but some people are very picky so I thought I'd put a warning. There will also be a warning before any chapter containing explicit sexual content or triggering content. The three emoji's above will be your warning, a pepper for smut, a knife for violence, and exclamation point for triggering content that may include panic attacks or mental health issues in general. They will be placed at the title of the chapter containing the content. One to three emojis for the severity of the content.)

Hate speech will not be tolerated. If you're a vocal reader opinions are welcome you are not required to agree with me or anyone else who comments. This is a place where we can discuss the themes and actions of the characters in a mature way without cursing anyone out or being unkind.

If you have no further problems and are going to continue with this book, carry on and enjoy the adventure that awaits you!

"You got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls!" -John Silver (Treasure Planet Disney)

Keep it classy! <3

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now