CH. 1 Midnight Maneuvers

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The thunderous rhythm of hoofbeats echoed through the night as our small band of riders maneuvered between the dense clusters of trees. The moon cast a silvery glow upon us, marking the hour to be well past midnight. With cautious precision, we slowed our pace, nearing the edge of the forest where the majestic silhouette of Juvelia Palace loomed before us, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight. It had been years since I last laid eyes upon its grandeur, and a surge of memories flooded my mind, mingled with apprehension for the task ahead.

As we halted, Luca, my trusted companion, rode up beside me, his presence a silent reassurance in the darkness. With a subtle gesture, I signaled for us to dismount, the soft rustle of leaves accompanying our descent from our steeds. Hercules, faithful as ever, stood steady beneath me as I took in the imposing structure before us. Our mission: to secure Ignatius's coveted battle plans.

"M'lord, what's our next move?" Luca's voice, barely a whisper, broke the silence as he approached me, his breath forming wisps in the chill night air. I surveyed our surroundings, formulating a plan as I spoke.

"We stay here while I scale the walls and enter the south tower," I explained, my voice low yet resolute. "I'll incapacitate one of their guards, using his attire as a disguise to avoid detection. Once inside, I'll retrieve the plans, and we'll make our escape."

A heavy silence hung in the air as my companions processed the gravity of our undertaking. Luca's brows furrowed with concern, his gaze meeting mine with a hint of skepticism.

"It won't be easy," he cautioned, his tone laced with apprehension.

I understood his reservations, yet my resolve remained unyielding. "The palace is heavily guarded. The fewer of us involved, the better our chances of slipping away unnoticed."

No man shall stand alone," He reiterated, his voice firm with conviction. My comrades exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. "It's not just about bravery," Luca continued, his words weighted with wisdom. "We need strategy. And someone needs to watch your back, lest your penchant for... acquisitions... gets us into trouble."

His pointed remark stung, a reminder of my occasional lapses in judgment. I sighed, conceding to the wisdom of his counsel. "Fine," I relented, my tone tinged with begrudging acceptance. "You'll accompany me. But remember, you follow my lead, no deviations."

Luca's expression softened, a wry smile quirking his lips. Despite his penchant for sarcasm, I knew his loyalty ran deep. "Understood, m'lord," he replied, his voice tinged with humor. "Just try not to get us killed, eh?" With a silent nod, we prepared to embark on our daring endeavor, the weight of our mission pressing upon us like the shroud of night itself.

"You men take your horses deeper into the woods. If Luca and I do not return by sunrise, you are to head straight back to the border and return to Castle Fitzgilbert. Understood?" I issued the command with a sense of urgency, my tone brooking no room for disobedience. Each of them nodded in solemn agreement before disappearing into the dense foliage, their forms gradually swallowed by the shadows of the forest.

Once they were out of sight and earshot, I exchanged a determined glance with Luca, wordlessly conveying our shared resolve. With a nod of mutual understanding, we set our sights on the formidable walls of the palace, our steps measured and deliberate as we navigated the terrain with the stealth of shadows.

The grass whispered beneath our feet as we approached the south tower, our senses attuned to the slightest hint of danger lurking in the darkness. With practiced precision, I retrieved the necessary tools from my satchel, my fingers deftly knotting the grappling hook in preparation for our ascent. Luca's silent signal confirmed the absence of immediate danger, prompting us to take cover behind nearby shrubbery as we readied ourselves to scale the towering edifice.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now