The Beginning of Act 3

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Hello, my lovelies!

Act 2 has just been finished, and I am so excited to start Act 3! But first, here are some thought-provoking discussion Questions you can consider before delving into Chapter 21.

Discussion Questions

Chapter 11

1. Aurora's behavior seems erratic and driven by a sense of urgency. How does her determination to pursue her mission despite potential dangers affect the dynamic between her and Kelvin? What does it reveal about her character?

Chapter 12

2. Explore the theme of identity in this chapter, considering Aurora's struggles with her role as a princess, her responsibilities as a mother, and her desire for independence. How do these conflicting aspects of her identity influence her actions and decisions?

Chapter 13

3. Kelvin's encounter with Ramon introduces new elements to the plot, including the revelation about Lance's imprisonment and the potential for Aurora to pay them for assistance. How does Ramon's involvement add complexity to the storyline, and what implications might his presence have for Kelvin's plans and alliances?

Chapter 14

4. Aurora's relationship with Kelvin seems to oscillate between moments of trust and collaboration and instances of frustration and misunderstanding. How do these fluctuations in their dynamic shape their individual character arcs? In what ways do Aurora and Kelvin's differing perspectives and approaches contribute to the narrative tension and progression?

Chapter 15

5. In Chapter 15, we learn about the Kai-gon culture and their beliefs, including celibacy and magical abilities. How does this aspect of the story contribute to the overall narrative, and what themes or ideas might it symbolize?

Chapter 16

6. How does Aurora's dream sequence at the beginning of the narrative foreshadow events to come, and what themes or emotions does it evoke?

Chapter 17

7. Explore the symbolism of the visions Kelvin experiences as he succumbs to sleep and enters the realm of dreams. How do these visions of past traumas and potential future dangers add layers to the narrative and deepen our understanding of Kelvin's fears and motivations?

Chapter 18

8. In the dream sequence, Aurora confronts the Snow Queens and experiences a moment of self-doubt and frustration. How does this internal struggle reflect her journey as a character?

Chapter 19

9. Explore the significance of Aurora's decision to challenge Luca to a duel and her subsequent attempt at escape. How do these actions reflect her character development and her determination to assert control over her own destiny?

Chapter 20

10. How does Kelvin's decision to end his betrothal to Rose reflect his character development and moral principles? What are the ethical implications of his actions, particularly regarding honesty and integrity in relationships?

11. The shaving scene at the dinner party serves as a pivotal moment of humiliation for Kelvin. How does this event contribute to the overall themes of power dynamics, social status, and masculinity in the story? How do the reactions of other characters, such as Luca and Aurora, shape our understanding of these themes?

Now, without further ado here is Chapter 21!

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now