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The rays of the sun peeked through the slight slits between the curtains. The weather was beautiful. It was neither too warm nor too chilly. Just the perfect atmospheric condition one would want to throw a party or do any sorts of fun.

It all seemed desirable until the alarm went off which disrupted Fah's deep slumber. She let out a groan in annoyance and made her way towards the bathroom.

After doing her morning routine, she got ready for her first day in Köcher. She was sceptical about how it was going to be. Somehow she managed to calm herself and got inside her Latest edition Lamborghini.

As she reached the VIP parking lot, she got off her car and made her way straight inside. As she reached the entrance she saw almost the entire student body standing there. She was perplexed upon seeing the sight.

As she entered, it felt like everything went into slow motion. Her pearly brunette hair, hanging to her lower back, swayed with the wind and twisted into buoyant curls. Her facial structures were perfect. Her uniform was well-ironed. Her bag swinging to and fro. Her heels clicking on the floor. Everyone was mesmerized by her beauty.

Fah was not used to this type of attention. No one really knew the Aromdees had a daughter. Other than going to school and few parties, she was not allowed to go anywhere without 24/7 supervision. Her life was completely controlled by her parents.

After receiving her schedule from the Director, she went to her class. There she saw two girls talking with each other. She decided to join them.

"Hey I'm Fah, hope we can be friends." Fah started. "I'm Gorya", the girl with an half-updo said. "I'm Hana" said the other girl. "Can I sit with you guys?" asked Fah. "Sure" replied Gorya. "Yeah so what was I talking about- Ohh yeah to survive in this school you have to be on your gaurd first and foremost." Gorya paused for a moment and then continued " the bullying here is severe".

Both the girls were shocked. "They bully here? In this type of school?" asked Fah to which Gorya replied, "Because it's a school like this one, the better, the safer the school seems, the more special it is."

Suddenly ding noises echoed through the room or to be said the whole school echoed. They all looked at each other and Gorya stated," At this school, there's a game."

"The game is judged by the most influential group in the school."she went on. "Whoever runs into trouble with them will receive a red card in their locker, which means that anyone can do anything they want with this person." At this statement shivers ran down the back of Fah. "They can't do anything with the cameras around.. they have to be subtle." said Hana. "Without proof... nobody has done anything wrong." Gorya replied.

"How is this possible? What about the teachers? Can't they do anything?" asked Fah. "The teacher?" scoofed Gorya, " No one dares to do so. Not even the director." " In the end, the victim is forced to go to an old stadium..... It is the only place without CCTV."

Both the new girls eagerly listened to her. "Everyone knows no phones or recordings of any kind are not allowed." Fah could not ignore the weird feeling which lingered in her stomach. " In front of those four guys, who are the most influential people in the school. They are known as..... F4."


Author's note:-

Hey everyone! Aria here. This is my first work. I hope you guys like it. Give it a lots of love. Thank you....

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