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Fah deliberately searched for Thyme and Gorya but both of them were nowhere to be found. "Is there anything We can help you with my lady?" she heard a voice say from her back. She turned around to see MJ and Kavin.

"Hi I'm Fah. Actually have you guys seen Thyme? " Fah asked both of them. On the other hand, the boys were too shocked to hear her casually talk to them and on top of that address Thyme without a 'phi'. "Umm may I ask you how are you so casual miss? Like you don't fear us or something? And how do you know Thyme?" The boys bombarded her with questions.

"Chill guys! Firstly, I don't see a reason to be formal with you guys. Secondly, have you ever seen the mirror ? I'm pretty sure that no one would fear you chickheads. Third and lastly, I know Thyme because his family, ohh correction company has a personal deal with my family or company you can say. Anything else dudes?" Fah spat out in one breath.

The boys had too much to process and just nodded there heads. "Now may I ask where Thyme is?" Fah tilted her head. "Thyme said he had to handle something. On his way maybe?" Kavin answered. "Alright bye dudes!" Fah said and set off. "She is something man!" MJ exclaimed "Sure is" Kavin agreed while watching Fah disappearing from their sights.

"Fah!" Gorya shouted while panting. "Oh my god Gorya! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why did you take so much time? Do you know how worried I was? And why do have so much makeup on girl?" Fah asked while examining Gorya from head to toe for any injuries.

"Calm down my mom! I'm fine. Come on let's got to the class I have a lot to tell you ." And with that Gorya dragged Fah to the class.

"Kidnapped!?" were the only words that got out of Fah's mouth after she heard the whole story. She could not believe that Thyme practically kidnapped Gorya and lured her with money to apologise.

"So Fah Are you going to Mira's party tonight? " Gorya asked. Fah was confused what to say as Mira personally invited Fah but could she say that to Gorya? She stopped for a moment to carefully formulate her answer and spoke, "Yeah I'll be going. And about that Gorya I don't think we should blindly trust Jane and her minions. You should not dress casually for this event. Whatever it is even a welcoming party the people there will be glammed." Upon hearing this Gorya was a bit confused. "How do you know about this Fah? Have you ever gone to a party like this?"

And what Fah feared the most happened. Now there was only one choice for Fah. She had to tell Gorya about which family she belongs to. Otherwise in the party Gorya will eventually find out and that would be worse.

She took a deep breath and started, "Gorya will you please listen to me? Think about this calmly please. I...... I belong from the Aromdee family. My name is Fah Chaisee Aromdee. I'm so sorry for not telling this to you. The way you hated rich people scared me. Please forgive me. But don't think me as those four guys or any other rich brats here. You have been friends with me for long enough to know my nature. Isn't it? Please give me a chance." Fah was so scared that she was almost at the verge of crying.

While Gorya was dumb struck. She could not believe that she was talking with the daughter of THE Aromdees. But Fah was right. She was not like the other rich brats out there. Gorya had known her very well. So this time Gorya decided on giving a chance to Fah.

"I believe in you Fah. I know this can't hurt our friendship. I'll always trust you and I forgive you. Now won't you give me hug?" Gorya said with a assuring smile while opening up her hands. Fah quickly hugged her and cried in her embrace. "Thank you. Thank you so much." She spoke while sobbing.

"Oh there there. Is my baby crying? Naur that's not the Fah I know." Gorya teased her. "Don't" said Fah while lightly slapping Gorya's hand. They both burst in laughter. There friendship was something which can not be broken by any means.


Author's note:-
So how far is the story going? Do comment your opinion and any idea you have regarding the story. Bye-bye.

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