I then wore my clothes after cleaning up. The shirt and shorts clung to my newly transformed body. I looked at myself in the mirror once more, feeling a mixture of uncertainty and resignation.

The shorter hair framed my face differently, and I couldn't deny that it was a change, a step towards something new.

Yet, the haunting thoughts of inadequacy still lingered, refusing to be easily replaced by the physical alterations I had made. I sighed, wondering if this change could ever be enough to silence the critical voices within.

I then decided to study so I sat down on my desk. The hours passed in a blur as I immersed myself in my studies. The concepts and equations became a chaotic dance in my mind, and I continued until the clock on my wall insisted it was well past 8 pm.

Weary but determined, I closed my books, feeling a mixture of relief and accomplishment. It was then that Yoongi oppa called, his voice breaking through the silence of my room.

He warmly invited me to join him for dinner downstairs. I welcomed the idea, grateful for a break from the intense study session, and made my way to the dining area.

A hushed silence fell over the dining room as I took my seat between Yoongi and Jimin. I felt the weight of everyone's curious eyes on me, and it became apparent that my impromptu haircut had become the center of attention.

In an attempt to diffuse the tension, I spoke up, "I know I am looking ugly but I was genuinely sick of my long hair, so I decided to cut it off."

As Mr. Kim reassured me, "Oh no, princess, you are looking really pretty. We were just a bit taken aback by the sudden change," I nodded appreciatively. Yoongi chimed in, "Yeah, Dad is right, and Princess, this cut really suits you," offering his trademark gummy smile.

Namjoon added, "Y/N, you really look pretty." My mom, seemingly eager to move on, exclaimed, "Yeah, yeah, now let's start our dinner, shall we?" We all silently ate, my family engrossed in discussions about some project while I quietly consumed my meal.

That strange feeling of being left out, a stranger, an outcast, crept over me again. Once I finished my food, I uttered, "I'm done," and left for my room without looking back.

I came inside my room and locked the door. In my room, I felt the overwhelming sensation of being an outsider once more. My head started spinning, and the turmoil within me became unbearable. In a rush, I went to my drawer, hastily retrieved my pills, and consumed them, hoping for relief.

Holding my head in frustration, the initial chaos gradually subsided. I stood up, found my way to the bed, and lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling. Sleep seemed elusive, so I resorted to taking some sleeping pills, eventually drifting into a restless slumber.

Next day ~

As the morning sun painted the sky, I woke up at 7 am, swiftly going through my morning routine and changing into my school uniform. Grabbing my school bag, I headed downstairs, joining my three rather bothersome brothers on the way to school.


During the lunch break, as I approached my locker, three girls, who seemed to be seniors from the university, caught my attention.They came towards me and one of them, dressed provocatively, approached me aggressively, gripping my hair tightly. She taunted, "Hey, slut, what's up? Having fun with the Kim brothers?"

The tight grip on my hair sent a sharp pain through my scalp, but I tried to maintain composure. The other two girls behind her giggled maliciously. I could feel the eyes of my fellow students on us, but none dared to intervene.

The girl continued her verbal assault, "You think you're something special, just because you got three dicks to suck? Stay away from Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook cause you are just a fucking slut."

Her words pierced through me, and the embarrassment flooded my cheeks. I clenched my fists, trying to maintain my calm demeanor.

Despite the humiliation, I managed to retort, "Let go of my hair. Your assumptions about me are none of your business." She tightened her grip for a moment before releasing, leaving me to fix my disheveled hair.

As she released her grip on my hair, I stumbled backward, disoriented and humiliated. The trio of girls, wearing triumphant smirks, pushed me on the floor which caused me to fell on the floor hardly. My nose was now bleeding from the impact.

The girl then said "See you later slut" and left with her 2 friends with she came along with.The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth, and I felt a surge of anger and shame. The students in the hallway whispered among themselves, creating a cruel soundtrack to my embarrassment.

Summoning whatever strength I had left, I rose from the floor, wiping away the blood with the back of my hand. The humiliation burned deep within me.

I longed to shout to the world that they were my brothers, not boyfriends, but fear and shame silenced me. The cold blood still dripping from my nose reached my lips, leaving me with a lingering metallic taste.

Fighting back tears, I couldn't bear the judgmental gazes any longer. With a mix of frustration and anger, I raised my voice, "The drama is over! Eat your lunch, or I'll beat the shit out of you all." The students dispersed, leaving me to collect what remained of my dignity.

I gathered myself and went to the restroom. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and vulnerability. Blood droplets stained my school shirt, serving as a visible reminder of the encounter.

Sighing, I cleaned my face and left the restroom, only for my nose to start bleeding again. "Great," I muttered under my breath. With a sense of reluctance, I headed towards the cafeteria. As I entered, the sight of my brothers sitting at a table caught my attention.

I mentally cursed and went towards them. "Why are you three here?", I said while sitting on the chair besides Jimin. Taehyung chuckled and said, "Just wanted to check on our dear sister, didn't we?" I rolled my eyes, unamused. The incident in the hallway had left me on edge, and I had little patience for their antics.

Jimin, noticing the blood on my shirt, asked, "What happened to your nose?" I shrugged it off, replying, "Nothing." I didn't want to delve into the humiliating details.

Jungkook's cold gaze met mine as he asked, "Did someone bully you?" I rolled my eyes dismissively, responding, "It's not like you guys care." Taehyung's expression turned serious as he inquired, "Who was it?"

Jimin, sharing the concern, insisted, "Y/N, this is serious. Who were they?" I sighed, admitting, "I don't know who those girls were. Probably from the university."

Taehyung, now with a hint of anger, questioned the motive, "University girls? But why?" Covering my nose with a tissue due to the bleeding, I explained the encounter, "Three girls. They insulted me, calling me a 'lucky slut' for getting to suck 3 dicks of Kim brothers and she meant you three."

My brothers exchanged intense glances, their expressions shifting from concern to anger at the derogatory term used to describe their sister. The air in the cafeteria felt charged with tension as they processed the insult hurled at me.

Jungkook's jaw clenched, Taehyung's eyes narrowed, and Jimin's usually warm demeanor turned cold. It was evident they were ready to confront the situation head-on.

Her Stepbrothers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora