Chapter 14: N.E.I

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A/N: Qwerty (Yea I need to start becoming more frequent with chapters and i'm gonna try taking a new approach to Narrating)




"Was there ever a moment where you felt anything between us?"



"Want me to answer honestly?"



Ralliah within her castle looks through the lens of her subordinates seeing that the city is well around to halfway corrupted which brings a smile to her face, "Ah, This is what I like to see the way things should've been! Everyone under my rule and no Pests  to stop me" She walks through the castle having the pink and purple lights shine around her as she looks at herself in a mirror and her happy expression seems to increase as she sighs in a satisfied tone, "Almost back to status quo, this all feels like a dream" She looks out to her Corrupt forest as thoughts begin to fill her mind and just when she thinks that she'll be able to rest without any annoyances she feels some disturbance in one of the less Corrupted districts and causing her to frown, 'What is it now?' She peers into a crystal and notices the Ancestral trying his best to push back the Corruption by destroying the crystals and this causes a series of emotions to go through her; One being anger, One being Confusion on how he thinks he alone can push back or even stop This Tyranny and the last one being amusement from an idea like this but Alas, he chooses to do so anyways, "Well Alright little Ancestral, Waste your time. I've got some other pressing matters to attend to" 

The Crystal Kingdom that Ralliah has created begins to Glow with beautiful colours, It's already potent alluring aura becomes visible in the quiet air and while she plans for her next few phases others have begun their training to help stop and completely destroy The Corruption and take back their home 

(A/N: how the Forest looks like just imagine more crystalline)

(A/N: how the Forest looks like just imagine more crystalline)

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Leywin's P.O.V

The Man is seen with his trainees having his daggers holstered by his hips and hair tied to a ponytail so it doesn't interfere with the training process and looking to his students he can see whose more or less amped up for the session today; Andromeda is more or less relaxed having a skin tight black long-sleeved Shirt paired with White Pencil Pants, Zero is a bit more quiet having a Grey T-shirt and sporting cargo pants that are white splotched with grey dots his expression leaves The Red-haired man to think he may not be ready for some of the dangers that may come ahead of them and be greater than the one Ralliah currently poses, He then moves towards Giovanni the more or less new acquaintance to the group as she was asleep throughout the night and seems to be more or less hyped up to take on The Corruption sporting regular military armour and tapping her feet as she fixes herself up she seems to be the most professional or have the most experience when it comes to this, 'Is this girl actually in the Military or something?' He questioned himself but decided to drop the thought and go over to his final student: Ryo. His face had determination burned into his face and his posture was up straight with his eyes glowing a vibrant fiery orange as his face was torn between a scowl and a smile bringing up a question, "So when do we get started?" The Red-head snaps his fingers and points to his student gathering wind in his finger as he says, "Right now, starting with your first lesson", A blast of wind hits Ryo in his stomach to the boy's surprise as he clutches it holding it in any lunch that tries to resurface with you continuing to say, "In an actual fight, there are no count downs"

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