Chapter 8: The Corruption

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Author's note: Qwerty




Crystals were always something rare in Aeus, when found they're thrown away just as fast as they didn't have much value, Red, blue, Green these crystals have zero value however pink crystals oh...they're abnormal, these crystals shouldn't exist after many years of silence but now they're growing..she's growing and she'll rip everything from them and she doesn't plan on stopping...

"This doesn't feel real...being alive again after so long...being able to feel myself become more and more whole it's...exhilarating..." she stated to herself no longer in that old cave she was once in but now In the depths of an enchanted forest as She looks around taking in the beauty of it all she then stomps the ground and causes a giant glacier of crystals to erupt and strike down a couple of trees she looks back and stomps the ground again the same thing occurring to another group of trees, her smile just gets bigger as she starts manipulating the crystal to cause the forest to break down and start having a purple-pink hue flow over them as she begins to dig deep into the roots of the forest and starts to corrupt it the previously Destroyed trees come back as corrupted trees the ground starts having a shade of purple colour the grass and pink glowing on the tip of the grass it was such a beautiful sight to see. She wasn't done as she looked at her hand, she reached her limit but she'll begin again and soon she'll command a great, corrupted army and they will all chant her name


Xay's P.O.V

I woke up. Things didn't feel right I kept seeing memories from someone else's eyes I kept seeing people fighting someone named Ralliah why do I know her? Who is she? Getting from my bed I hold my head with a drained look on my face, to give context as to why I'm currently seeing things I shouldn't I'm an Ancestrial which are somewhat angelic creatures and when one dies they more or less get reincarnated and well My name may be Xay but in a different period it was something different and well I didn't think that I'd be experiencing these rush of memories so soon but now I just need to warn the others about her and maybe find out where this Ralliah woman is. I walk out of my house and I sprout wings from my back, flying through the air my wings let off a white glow as I search for any signs of Corruption in Solace and looking down it isn't bad for now no signs of any corruptive glows or anything that is until I see a beast launch into air appearing in my face I put up my arms and the beast sends us flying through the sky.

As we land in a strange looking forest, the leaves look almost transparent with the trunks having a more or less reflective look on them and the beast before me is trying to claw at me with it's crystallised claws I headbutt it and grab its arm and launch it towards a tree where I summon a spear and pierce it through the beast's shoulder to pin it against the tree, "Hm.." I think as I walk through the forest for a bit the gnashing sounds of the beast fading away and me now alone in this strange place...something didn't feel right and I was right to have my suspicions as a woman with a crooked smile on her face shows herself to me as she floats in the air, "It's quite beautiful isn't it?" "Ralliah..." "So you've heard of me haven't you?" "No, I just got memories of you and what you're trying to do, you're trying to corrupt our realm again" The woman's smile grows as she confirms my suspicions "Of course I am, it's in my genes after all my very soul craves the very defilement of this realm and who am I to deny what the very culmination of my being? It's only natural" She explains trying to justify her egregious actions to me, My face had shown it all I wasn't going to hear this woman's rambling and I pulled out a light spear and pointed it at her throat but the threat doesn't begin to phase her as she carries on, "After all, it's in your blood to want to stop me right? It's only natural that you and I would clash due to our ideals no?" "You lost a long time ago and you should've stayed buried with the rest of the Old  Legends of those times" I press the spear tip into her throat but her smile still doesn't fade I don't know whether to be cautious or be mad that she's smiling despite me able to pierce through her neck and kill right away but my question is answered as the spear starts to crystalise but It's made out of energy? What? This shouldn't happen but it does?! I let go of the spear as it drops to the floor becoming a full crystal spear on the ground Ralliah chuckles as she asks, "But why would I when He's no longer a bloody thorn on my side? He's gone and with it, I have the golden opportunity to finish what I started! And you think that you would stop me? Leywin is my only trouble and once I'm done with him, The Corruption will take hold of Aeus and I'll corrupt every other realm in our multiverse reigning over it all with an iron glove, and once I'm done! I'll bring him back from the afterlife and make him witness his failure and kill him again and again and AGAIN!" She said in a fit of deranged anger her laughter starting to creep up on me my skin starting to grow cold, crystals starting to grow around us and her laughter grew more and more until she looked at me with her Deep Purple-pink eyes and I hear growling start to echo around us until I see a group of those crystal beasts that I had encountered earlier swarm and start to surround me as Ralliah says, "Escape the forest little Ancestrial~ because if you don't you'll be apart of my army and I'll force you to rip apart every person you ever grew close with!" With me essentially being given the green light to run I start to fly through the forest the beasts rushing towards me ready to rip me apart.

Eldowin's P.O.V

I was walking towards the school of Aesteria with Ryo next to me as I stared into the eternal nothingness in front of me whatever Ryo was saying, I completely blanked out, I opened my hand and closed it as my thoughts just seemed to get a lot more deeper, My mind went back to that woman we fought back at Aurora's lake and  something just seems different every time the image appears it just gets worse strange stones appear around her every time her eyes seem fixated on mine as they glow brighter and stretch until eventually- "ELDOWIN!" I'm pulled out of my thoughts both literally and figuratively as I see I was about to run into a stone pillar in our school and I look and see that Andromeda and Zero were watching this waiting for me to run into the pillar but express disappointment when Ryo saves me.

"We could've just let him get hit in the face," Andromeda said having a camera at the ready to take a picture of it which I would've just crushed that damn camera as I respond with a "Fuck you too Andromeda"

"Come on you were literally on Auto-pilot that was gonna be completely your fault," Zero replies with a small disappointed smile on his face at the stopped chance of laughing in my face I respond with a simple "Bleh" sticking out my tongue at him as I look at Ryo, "Thanks" He gives me the usual "No problem" as I continue on our way until something catches my eyes, Xay isn't here that's a bit alarming but I'm sure he's alright so, for now, I ignore it, "Have any of y'all seen Xay?" Ryo pops the question, "I've got no clue actually" Andromeda said Zero seconded the thought and I say, "Well I'm not really sure where he could be as of right now but this is Xay, he's going to be fine whatever situation he's in right now" "I'm not sure, while we visited my house he was expressing concern about The Corruption and how it may be worse than last time" We all had a moment of silence looking toward Zero with our looks all being a mix of worry, confusion, and stress and who wouldn't be? The Corruption should've ended around 100 years ago and it's back?! I was confused, but it hit me, the image of that woman appeared in my head again and I realised that she was the one who wants to revive it, "We've got to tell someone about this before things get worse" We rush into the school as we start heading to the Grandmaster's office, he's got to have an answer to this ever-growing issue right? 

Entering his office we see The Grandmaster in his chair sitting there in his chair as he looks up at us with an almost surprised and amused look on his face, "What brings you guys here?" Before we can answer we see a corrupted student burst through the window an exacted mad smile on their face they crash through the desk of the grandmaster crystals growing from the wounds as their voice melds with another's answering the question 

"The Corruption is back"



The Group experience a bright flash as they are split and sent through the building of Aesteria. Eldowin ends up crashing through the cafeteria as his vision blurs from the onslaught his consciousness barely standing, Ryo and Zero crash through the dorms as Ryo creates a flame portal and sends them outside when they struggle to lift themselves up, Andromeda crashes and lands on the roof her landing being anything but soft as her small groans of pain showcase it, We see as the student starts to wreak havoc on the school crystals start to appear and break Aesteria apart students start to evacuate the premises, Ralliah has begun her crusade through the City of Solace planning on rewriting it in the way she saw fit and she's willing to rid anyone who gets in her way




Author's note: Qwerty (I need to start making 2000+ Words my new quota)

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