Chapter 2: Aftermath

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Authors Note: qwerty




Eldowin's POV

As the woman charges towards us we do the same thing as she goes in for a horizontal slash towards my chest but I react by sliding under it and trip her legs allowing Ryo to put his hands together and slam her into the ground causing her to bounce off a meters away from us, I get back up as I stare the woman down and Ryo notes something to me as he holds his right arm trying to regenerate the wound that was inflicted on him, "That dagger is weird" "How so?" "It's like interrupting my healing capabilities and it makes my arm feel numb" I take note of that as I look towards the dagger that was on the floor and I decide to devise a plan, "Ryo get that dagger quick" Ryo nods to me and we initiate the plan, he as I dash towards the woman and he goes for the dagger, the woman tries to intercept but I coat my fist in Fiend energy as I launch towards her and aim a punch to her stomach. She's quick to intercept with her sickle, but I shatter through it, she saved herself enough to step back and dodge my punch. She looks at me underneath the cloak as my eyes meet merlot-coloured eyes and when we make eye contact I feel like I am about to sink in them, but I quickly look away as I dash towards her ready to continue our fight.

Ryo's POV

As Eldowin holds off the woman I get to the dagger and look towards Him and The woman and he's managing his own against her, he's been on the aggressive meaning that if I time it right I could land a clean hit on her as I pick up the dagger my right feels like it has no energy to function and I grit my teeth as I think, this dagger must have special properties to it, being not only able to hinder regeneration but also siphon the energy from the body part in which was struck, alright then I'll just give her a taste of her own medicine then. The blade heats up as I infuse flame mana into it and it begins to extend into a long fire blade, I get up as I charge towards the fight that is going on.

The fight ensues as Eldowin and the woman continue their confrontation, Eldowin can barely hit the woman with how much she dodges as he gets annoyed more and more at her constant running away, the two eventually run into the small forest that is nearby Aurora's lake as El yells out to the woman, "Come out you damned coward!" He looks around for her trying to listen in for any notable sounds but he hears nothing as the bushes rustle Eldowin is put on edge but as he goes to investigate the noise he is suddenly lunged at by a large snake of dark matter as he grabbed it by it's neck but it still carries enough force to cause them both to skid across the ground and into the open field as Ryo stands there running towards the two he asks in a confused tone, "Where'd that come from?!" he's quick to answer, "The lady in the forest, she's concealing herself trying to escape-" Eldowin cuts himself off as he throws the snake off him and yells at Ryo, "Find her before she goes too far away!" Ryo nods and runs into the forest determined to find whoever attacked the two friend

As Ryo wonders into the forest his flaming dagger spear creating some light for him to see a bit as he walks around in the forest trying to find any shadow or sign that the woman was here, he takes a few calming breaths as he stares into the darkness of the forest ahead of him and tightens his grip on the dagger as well as gritting his teeth as he dashes towards the darkness ready and slashes in front of him as he cuts down a few trees and burns a few bushes but he's met with disappointment as he notices he narrowly missed a bunny that stares at him in complete fear waiting for the hybrid to either finish it off or leave it alone Ryo stares into the bunny for what felt like an eternity before relaxing and heading off in a different direction as he expands his mana outwards looking for any traces of someone else's mana but he can't find anyone's besides Eldowin's, 'This woman is terrifyingly quick and I can't seem to sense her anyways guess I'll just have to report back to El' He thinks to himself as he walks out of the forest ready to report the bad news. On the other boy's side, he's been dealing with this snake as he subdued it and destroyed it as quickly as it came to this world as he sighs and relaxes for a bit he looks on and sees his friend come back with nothing, "No Luck?" He asks even though he already knows the answer, "Yea" The two sigh in disappointment the two start walking back home as they wonder what that whole ambush was for, "You should get that Arm of yours checked out before it gets worse you know?" Ryo nods in agreement to what he said as he says, "I'll check out this dagger that I managed to steal from her maybe it'll be useful who knows?" Eldowin nods to him as they both go on their separate ways thinking about what to do about the issue but for now, it seems diffused.

Eldowin's POV

After making it back home it's about 6 PM with the sun starting to set, I walk towards a small restaurant as I sit down, and ask for some food, and by the time I get it, it's sundown meaning I'll have to get home quick before I get in trouble. I make it to my apartment as I open the door and my Mom is watching TV and I say a quick, "Hey Mom" She looks over and gives me a small smile, "Hi Eldowin how was hanging out with Ryo?", "Oh it was interesting he showed me some new spells he learned", "Oh that's amazing," Mom says as she continues to watch some TV I take off my jacket and put it on the coat hanger as I take off my shoes and put them by the door as I walk up to my room and start to clean myself off and as I shower I think to myself about the interaction, she was either some drunken woman that just so happened to get her hands on some weapons or she's something a lot worse and I'm taking the second option, I wipe myself off as I then get into a white T-shirt and shorts as I lay on my bed as I try to fall asleep and distract myself from what happened maybe Ryo will have something for me Maybe...just maybe....jus.....

Eldowin had fallen asleep...

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