Chapter 4: A Promise

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The realm of Aeus was in complete shambles, dimensions were shattered, lives were lost, lives were taken and at the end of it all stood two young men at the edge of a cliff as they watched the night sky glisten in the night, both were badly injured but one was suffering worse than the other, his breath was slow as he tries to keep his eyes open he leans on the tree as he looks on into the horizon, "Beautiful isn't it?" His brother-in-arms and best friend says to him as he sits next to him, The one on the tree smiles a bit as his eyes stop glowing red and soften a bit as tears brim in his eyes his smile faltering but the other wipes them away as he keeps his smile, "I just wish I could've kept my promise to her..." 

The other watches as he sees the frown on his friend's face appear, he doesn't want him to be miserable so he smiles at him and says, "It'll be okay bud, she's strong-minded she'll be able to push through, and take care of them for you okay?" His words reach him as his smile returns his eyes glow for a bit as he says, "Okay, but just promise me that no matter what happens or whatever trials in life they go through you'll be there to help guide them to a better future one that isn't like mine please..." He asks of his best friend as his life slowly fades out his eyes closing permanently and his breath coming to a complete stop as his brother looks down, kneels, and takes the necklace that his dying friend had around his neck he says 

"I Promise"

Leywin's P.O.V

I wake up from the dream and I look up into the sky the sun rising I let out a yawn and look at the necklace around my neck thinking for a moment my face dawning a sad expression, "If only you could see the realm as it is now It's quite beautiful now" the wind blows gently through my open window as I get up and look at the time I should be meeting with the others soon but for now I'll just enjoy the scenery, I walk out of my House in the forest as I yawn and stretch looking out in the woods, the animals, the plants, the sky it all just puts you in a state of serenity and I just sit there admiring it all my mind got lost in the forest's beauty but I get a notification on my phone from Chris that says Eldowin should be back home alright then enough wasting time let's go meet him. By the way, I'm Leywin Grander nice to meet you.





Author's note: qwerty (short chapter but it's just an introduction to Leywin)

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