Chapter 10: I'm here to save you!

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A/N: Qwerty (I may try narrating things differently but that's subject to change)




The three arrived at Andromeda's home, which was the farthest from The Corruption for now. As they addressed their wounds, they brought up some issues. "So, as it stands right now," Andromeda hissed in pain from cleaning a slightly deep scratch on her arm before continuing, "Ryo isn't back, and Xay is still nowhere to be seen." Zero responded with a concerned tone of voice, "What if that Corruption got to him?" Eldowin interjected, saying, "Xay's going to be fine. If he doesn't return by the end of the week, we can look for him."

"Well you're showing little Concern El, we haven't felt any signs of his presence ever since we escaped the school, what if Zero's right and he got corrupted?" Andromeda quizzes him and Eldowin looks at her with a slightly bothered look as he gets up raising his arms in defeat, "Alright then, I'll go look for him and if he's fine then that just proves I was right" "Well I hope you're right anyways" Zero resigned himself as he looks GO the TV and sees that it's Broadcasting the whole Incident at Aesteria and the aftermath of it, The exterior of it looks completely unrecognisable the status were replaced with the bodies of dead corrupted Students, the grass has taken on a Purple-Blue hue and The outside of the building looks like it's being replaced with crystals, "Do you really think Xay and Ryo would  be okay while a simple student is capable of doing this to our school?" Andromeda looks at Him with a challenging expression and he returns it with a bit of arrogance laced in his tone, "Yes, I'll go looking for Xay you two can wait for Ryo here" "Fine with me" "...Don't die Eldowin" Eldowin looks back as his eyes gleem with a mischievous purple and his signature smirk appears on his face as he assures Her, "I won't die" and with that he leaves the house and begins to look for Xay..."Andromeda do you think Eldowin is-"

"An asshole? Eh kind of, wish he'd show more compassion for his friends but if he's right then we were worrying for nothing" Andromeda says as she scrolls through her shelf of books and grabs one and begins to read it, Zero looks on in The TV and yet his focus was beyond that he was just wondering, how could people fix this issue? Has it spread to other cities? Zero groans laying on the couchand rubbing his head in annoyance too much thinking for today cearly..

Ryo's P.O.V

This school was beginning to collapse and these damn crystals are getting in my way to exit! Damn it if I don't get out of here soon enough I'll turn up like Pink Eyes and whoever else got corrupted, the others are doing alright I dont sense their energies anywhere near this area so they must've gone to one of our homes. Walking through the school the floor beneath me barely holds me up and anytime I took a misstep It crack and breaks and I fall through it reseting the whole process of me getting out of here, this place feels like a labyrinth now but I kept going If I wanna see them again then I'll have to keep searching for some way out of here!


Turning to the source of the voice I see..Giovanni!? I didn't think I'd see her in this school I thought she'd be more interested in the more Technomancy focused schools but I guess pleasant Surprises like these are welcome, "Giovanni! You go here?" "I did but now as you can see, this place isn't fit for education anymore.." "Yea...Not anymore, but that isn't important right now we need to get out of her-" I'm interrupted as I see two corrupt students jump and lunge at Giovanni's back and out of worry I yell out, "Behind You!" And she turns with impressive agility and creates a A bullet-proof shield blocking the two's initial attacks which gave me enough time to create a portal under them and Make them pop out above us as I send a wave of flame energy and burn them causing us to hear their screams from the pain and start rushing towards me as I make flames swirl around me again, "Don't kill them!" "I'll try not to but I don't think they'll follow the same principal!" I slide under the first's overhead and I make my flames parry the second one's claw attack aimed for my chest I grab at the student's uncorrupt leg and fling him towards the other one but they seem to have some sense of intelligence and they sidestep and allow the other to hit the wall which managed to knock them out for a bit while they focus on me bearing their teeth at me like a wild animal, this corruption has taken what made these people think rationally and has made them as feral as the beasts we feast on today...tragic but what can I do? I don't have experience with healing so I'll just have to beat them into unconsciousness 'till help arrives or we escape, I coat my hands in flames and charge towards them as the send a rush of crystal spikes our way, I manage to leap over it as I yell to Giovanni to, "Dodge!" As I manage to get behind the student as I grab a piece of rubble and throw it and their back which staggered them as I rush to it and in it's stunned state I land a blazing punch in it's face and crack some of the crystals but it isn't stopping there, I slide under them as I heat both of my palms and send a burst of flames that launch them into the ceiling my hand cooling down as I let out a sigh, "Jeez every corner is crawling with them, we'll have to get out soon before we either get crushed or end up exactly like them" "Yea, you're right" I help her up and I start to run toward the exit along with her as I try to keep our minds off this whole situation we're in currently, "So what Division are you in Giovanni?" "Are you really asking me this?" "Just trying to keep the stress levels to a minimum" "Heh, At least the efforts there" "Right..." "...I'm in the Second Division" oh, so she's in the same Division as Andromeda and Zero cool, "My friends are in that Division I wonder why we haven't encountered you earlier" "Well I never really cared much about some people in school so I just kept to myself" "Ohh alright"

We eventually made it out of the school and see that the Paranormal Investigation Front have arrived and are dealing with the students that got outside and trying their best to limit the Corruptions spread, what could've happened to us if we were there any longer? "God, this has..hehe this has gotten bad.." "Hey At least we got out of there" "At least" I open up a portal as I gesture for us to go through it, "Where does this lead to?" "It leads to a friend's home we should be safe when we get there" "I'll trust you" we begin walking through the Portal and head to Andromeda's home I hope everyone's doing alright but I'm still wondering. Where the hell is Xay!?

Xay's P.O.V

I don't know how long I've been running from this beast all I know is that It's hot on my tail, I've thrown spears at it and Made them explode in a bright light but it still hasn't stopped it's pursuit and I'm starting to get fatigued, Damn it. I sprouted out my wings and started to fly in the air looking for a safe spot to maybe hide- wait! The Paranormal Investigation front! I can make my way over to them and Be relatively safe but then...I could be endangering the people there and I don't need that to happen but then where do I go?


Xay's thoughts were interrupted as this manic beast tried to fly through the air and try to gut him open, Xay responds to this by creating a light spear half of it's size and stabbing it in it's hands but it persisted and managed to strike Xay and knock him out of the air damaging his wings and causing him to crash through buildings, get dragged by roads, and ending up a bloodied up mess whose life is fadjng, he needed to get out of here if he wanted to see and tell the others he was okay, He starts to rise but and move any debris that he made out of his way and he feels the beast's footsteps getting closer, 'I can't stay here..I don't think I can survive another hit like that this thing is insanely fast for it's size and it doesn't help that trying to escape that forest took a lot of energy out of me, I need to fly fast-!' His thoughts were stopped abruptly when he checked his wings, they looked rippped apart, the left one barely survived getting thrown through buildings, Bones and blood were the only thing that showed evidence of it existing and the Right one had gashes that went from his spine to the end of the wings, he had he had injuries spanning from light scratches to having deep bloody marks in his skin that, if not for his race, would be lethal, his head hurts and his vision is blurred by blood he needs to find a way out of here, but that thing is approaching and it's pace is not getting any slower he hears rumbling and the ground beneath his is starting to shake more and more and Xay has barely moved.

The beast roars once more as it looks for it's prey, it was starving for some Uncorrupt blood and it needs to feed. It looks left and sees nothing but the screams of citizens and them trying to run before they get eaten although this is Amusing to the woman peering through its eyes, it couldn't care less about them so it looks right and it sees its target, Xay trying his best to get away from the area holding his sides and struggling to walk anymore, it seemed to happy to see who it was hunting for it almost seemed to have the ability to smile? It rushes towards Xay and aims one of its blade-like fingers at Xay's back and starts to get closer 25 Meters, 15 meters, 10, 5, 1...but Just as He braced for impact nothing came.

Eldowin had managed to make his way to the place where he felt Xay's energy was strongest and Intercept The beast's killer blow by breaking the finger before it could kill him as He looks to Xay, "Well you look like you've seen better days, where have you been?" Xay answered with a little bit of trouble, "I've been running from a crazed woman and trying to lose this monstrosity for so long but hey at least you're here now" "Yea, but hey don't you worry with me and you  we'll be able to destroy this thing before it can cause anymore collateral damage" "Eldowin! Don't act recklessly this thing this dangerous!" The boy in question looked at Xay and points to the beast that was currently writhing and roaring out in pain to one of its fingers being taken off as he says, "Oh really then? We'll just have to test that theory won't we!?" He shrouds himself in Fiend energy as he gets ready to destoy this thing and stop it from running rampant in Solace City but as it calms down it looms over the two boys and has a hungrier look than before as it gets ready to feast on both of the two's organs and yet one seems confident that they'll win is this confidence? Or arrogance only time can tell..




A/N: Qwerty (I had to rush the last few words cause I wasn't gonna have wifi for a hot minute)

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