"Well I liked Kobe, but not when I was attacked."

"Very interesting,"the interviewer responds," Gigi, how did it feel to have your friend murdered in front of your own eyes? Why do you think she was killed?"

"Well, Vanessa wasn't murdered right in front of my eyes, I found her dead in her pool. And I think she was killed because she used to like Kobe in middle school," Gigi answers uncomfortably.

"Wow must be hard to see your friend dead in the pool," the interviewer was getting a little too overdramatic," Jessica, you were also attacked, but instead of being stabbed or drowned, you were almost burned to death."

"Yeah, I was," Jessica wasn't enjoying this.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Umm not really, I'm over it, it happened over a year ago."

"But America really wants to hear your side of the story."

"No they don't, they just want to gossip about me."

"Ok, well we will get back to you later," the interviewer says," Mary, you were Samantha's last victim, and you saw her get killed."

"Yeah I did..."

"Would you like to tell us about it?"

"Well, basically I would be dead if no one came to save me."

"And who saved you?" Mary points at us, the "case crackers."

"They did, they came at the right time, they were the only people to know about Aimee and her evil tricks."

"Oh, yeah,"the interviewer said less enthusastically," And how did you guys find out about Aimee and her messy past."

"Well, we wouldn't have been able to do this if it wasn't for Paris," Toby tells the interviewer obviously trying to get the spotlight off of him.

"And who is this?" the interviewer asks unimpressed," Paris isn't on the victim list at all, how would you know about Samantha?"

"Well, just because I wasn't on Samantha's hit list, doesn't mean I wasn't a victim," I prove the interviewer wrong.

"Oh yeah? Well would you like to explain your very important story?" she asks sarcastically.

"Well it all started in 8th grade, when Samantha was stalking me. I was the first victim, Kobe hadn't even met Samantha by then-"

"It says here that Ocean was the first victim, not Paris," she interrupts.

"It isn't nice to interrupt," I point out. The interviewer rolls her eyes and continues to listen to my story.

"I first met Samantha on Halloween of 2014, my friend, Lina Ronk, and I were trick or treating down this one creepy neighborhood, I met this witch who sent me to this odd dreamspace. I met Samantha there. At first she seemed nice, but then she started threatening me to stay away from Kobe, because I liked Kobe. After that she would stalk me, I saw her sometime in January. I told her about Kobe moving to Michigan and she seemed heartbroken. After that I never saw her again, until junior year-"

"How long is this story?"interrupts the interviewer.

"Shh, she is trying to tell a very important story," Kobe pitches in. I give him a grateful smile.

"Anyway, I saw Samantha as Aimee when she moved to Freedom High School. Right away I knew something was off about her. At first I thought she wanted to steal my popularity. My friends, Lina Ronk, Kailah Cambridge, and Keeley Rae, and myself all started this club called Operation: Get Rid of her Royal Fakeness, it was to mess up Aimee and her every move. She went on a date with Kobe, and we messed that up. Eventually Aimee caught on and started to threaten me. Of course I didn't catch on at first. Then my friends got under her spell and went agaisnt me. Then I knew there was more to Aimee than she was letting. At my friend's Christmas party she said some ominous things that sounded a lot like Samantha. Then I knew that she was." I stop thinking the interviewer was going to interrupt me.

"Go one," she pleads. I nod smiling.

"Then I recruited more people to be a part of the operation," I point to those people," Then Kobe and I started dating and Aimee became afraid of me. I went to Michigan with him over spring break and met Jessica, she told me all about Samantha and how she tried to kill her. I got scared that Aimee would come after me and try to kill me, so I broke up with Kobe. Everyone in the operation started to dig up dirt about Aimee, and that is when we found all the files and the murders. I noticed a pattern on each of the victim's report. Everyone of them was on the 24th. It so happens that it was April 24th when we were going through these files. I used myself as bait to catch Aimee. But I wasn't the victim that day, it was Mary. Jake set up a GPS signal on Aimee's phone and we followed her to the river. When we got there, the van wouldn't stop, and the brakes weren't working. We hit Aimee and she flew into the river, dead. So basically that is the story....."

"Thank you for sharing, and thank you for getting rid of that crazy psycho girl. The world is a much better place without her," the interviewer says, my face boils in anger of what she said about Aimee," Well I guess that is all the time we have, thank you for watching and see yo-"

"Excuse me, I have one other thing to say," I interrupt.

"Well, that is all the time we have, sor-" I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Aimee might have been crazy, but she only wanted what everyone else wanted. Love. She didn't deserve to die. Sure, she might have done some evil things, and she can't help that she is mentally crazy, but she just wanted to be loved. Isn't that what everyone else wants? Doesn't anyone feel any sympathy for Aimee?" I explain, my friends smiled at me," It wasn't right at all to kill those people, but she wanted love ,and maybe if more people would have helped then maybe she would have turned out ok. Maybe I should have let her in, instead of pushing her away. Aimee was just crying out for help, but no one could hear her."

"Thank you for sharing....again," the interviewer replies," Thank you for watching, and see you next time." The camera stops rolling. Kobe walks up to me.

"So that is why you broke up with me..."Kobe understands.

"Yeah, well it was selfish but-" Kobe interrupts me by kissing me. I guess we were ok.


School started the next day and all I got were some stares and whispers. I find Lina, Kailah, and Summer and they immediately hug me.

"We are so sorry we didn't believe you in the first place, Aimee was crazy," Kailah confesses.

"It is ok, I probably sounded like the crazy one."

"I just can't believe she is dead," Summer says," We were really good friends....but I had no idea she was torturing my best friend."

"Can you imagine how Kobe feels?"Lina pitches in," He must feel like he is responsible for all these deaths."

"Yeah, well I have to go to class," I tell my friends. They nod and I walk to my locker. As I walk I feel a cold air around me. I felt like somene was watching me. Well of course someone was watching me, I have been getting stares the whole morning. I open my locker and a note falls out. I pick it up and open it. My eyes widen in fear.

"I'm back! You thought I was dead and that was your mistake, should probably check twice. Now I am coming to get you and all your little "operation" group. Paris your first mistake wasn't liking Kobe, it was messing with me. Better watch your back, or you will be next.

Always and Forever,

Samantha Jones

I thought it was over. I thought she was dead. I rip the not into little pieces and slump onto the ground, ruining my designer skirt. I scream silently. She is too good, I should just give up.

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