Formless and Empty (2/?)

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Aether sat in his seat, shifting as he looked around him. many students, all sitting at the long dining table in the middle of their shared common room as food was being delivered in large plates and bowls. His body felt cramped as he was squished between two other smaller wyverns, but despite his clear discomfort, he saw that they too, were weirded out by his presence. So he stomached his discomfort and greeted them with a shy nod. Though they nodded back, he saw that his simple gesture had prompted some to whisper at each other. Whether it was because of his gesture or because he was a feathered wyvern (he did hear some whisper the words pluma-pellis directed towards him), he couldn't figure it out. But one thing's for certain to him:

So much for making a good impression for everyone...

The moment the General stood in his seat and addressed the crowd of students, everyone stood up. 

"Let's all come into prayer for today's meal, and for the Stronghold's newest tenant." he nodded in Aether's direction. Aether nodded back as he saw everyone turn to a young wyvernness that the General had motioned to step forward. She cleared her throat before beginning the prayer.

"O great Vine that brings grapes and wine, may you bless the food we bring so that our bodies can be fed and nourished by your sustenance. We all give thanks to you and your blessings, O great Vine. In your mighty name we pray, amen."

Once the prayer was said, everyone sat down and happily dined in, everyone grabbing a piece of bread and meat. The moment Aether sat down, he saw that the meal he wanted was further away across from him. But before he could reach out, another wyvern snatched the meal away. He sat quietly and looked around, finally reaching out for some food left over near his seat. He slowly ate, getting used to the new flavors in his mouth when all of a sudden he saw a slab of cooked meat being handed to him. He looked up at who gave him the food, the two looking at each other in awkward silence.

The other wyvern quietly looked away and ate her food, cleaning up her plate quickly. 

Aether stared at her awkwardly, taking in her features. The wyvern had scales as dark as the abyss, and yet they glimmered a slight iridescent purple underneath the sunlight that streamed from the window behind her as if a small cluster of the great expanse had cloaked her.

His gray eyes traced over the short, stubby spikes that lined the sides of the back like a sheet of protective armor, and her wings connected with her arms had a few scales miscolored in a dark blue. His eyes were about to look right up at her face when he felt Adonia slap his hand lightly.

"Little creep..." Adonia sneered. "Also, you have five minutes left."

"H-Huh?" Aether turned to her in surprise. "But I barely ate anything."

"So?" Adonia lashed out as she gulped down the last chunk of meat. 

Aether looked around him and saw that everyone was finishing up. He ate as quickly as he could, gulping down each piece of food he had taken quickly without bothering to chew it first. In the end, he was the last to leave the table and earned himself a scolding from the General. He hung his head low as the General rebuked him for being slow and made him run 20 laps around the large dining area. Once he was done, his limbs dragged across the floor as he stumbled next to Adonia who clicked her tongue and snickered. Aether looked down, embarrassed at himself.

"S-Sorry..." he muttered quietly, glancing at the floor. "I'll be quicker next time."

Adonia glanced at him, her mocking glance softened slightly as her pitch-black eyes came across the image of a young wyvern full of shame for himself. As the General retreated to his office, Adonia nudged his flank.

Wyvern of the WindTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon