Marking territory

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Moonbyul had been studying at the University for almost two months and both she and Wheein were well adapted to their new routine of working after lunch.

The two girls would leave home together in the blonde's car or go by subway and get to Mamamoo magazine in the afternoon.

Yongsun and Hyejin had nothing to complain about the two younger girls. After all, their job continued to be done perfectly well.

The only thing bothering the short-haired woman was that now Moonbyul was spending less time with her, having to wake up early and all.

The businesswoman felt insecure when Hyejin talked about the possibility of Wheein getting over her if she met someone in class or if the cute girl got a crush on a teacher.

Those possibilities started annoying the brunette because it might also happen with Moonbyul. So, the short-haired woman acted out of impulse and dropped by her niece and girlfriend's university.

It was past midday, and the blonde was at the stairs laughing while 4 girls were all around her, joking and being flirty.

Although Moonbyul was not encouraging them, the older woman felt instantly annoyed and plodded toward the group.

When she stopped two meters away, one of the girls stared at the gorgeous woman and asked:

__ Can we help you, ma'am?

Ignoring the red-haired girl, Yongsun questioned:

__ Byul-yi, did you come with Wheein?

Widening her eyes in surprise and smiling, the tattooed girl responded with a question:

__ What are you doing here? Is there a problem?

The short-haired woman was aware of all the eyes on her and her expensive outfit.

__ No. I was just wondering if you needed a ride.

__ Actually I do. We came by subway today.

The red-haired girl asked with a provoking smile:

__ Is this your aunt, Byul-yi?

Yongsun glared at her coldly and continued not speaking.

The other girls mumbled something like a tell off and Moonbyul walked towards her neighbor and crossed her arms around her waist.

__ Of course she isn't. This is Kim Yongsun, Wheein's aunt.

All the other girls nodded in agreement and the older woman felt a bit frustrated.

__ And the woman I am blessed to be dating.__ The blonde declared with a huge grin.

__ Whaaat? Why didn't you tell us before?__ The red-haired one exclaimed, very disappointed and shocked.

Finally having fun, Yongsun pulled Moonbyul closer and commented:

__ Is she a close friend? I don't recall you mentioning her. I don't see any reason you should mention our private life to a ... colleague.

Moonbyul and the other girls tried to contain their laughter since they were women too and they knew the brunette was enjoying her revenge.

__ We don't know each other that well, Yong. That's why I didn't mention my new colleagues.

__ Well, nice to meet you all. Anyway...should we text Wheein, babe? I haven't had lunch yet and I want to take you to a nice place before we go to work.__ The stunning businesswoman spoke all softly.

Moonbyul winked playfully:

__ Sure, we can text her. Ooor... let her go by herself.

__ Don't tempt me, Moon Byul-yi...__The younger one got closer in a teasing way.

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