A fun misunderstanding

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Moonbyul ran from her room to the first floor early in the morning.

The girl was too flustered to face the neighbor after what had happened the previous night.

Trying to deceive her father, the brunette sneaked into the game room and made the environment look messy, to pretend it had been used.

Mr. Moon woke up after 9 am. It was common that both stayed in bed until late.

The man smiled at his gamer daughter and went to the kitchen to fix them something nice for breakfast.

Later, he asked if the girl would like to go to any special place and she suggested they visited his mother, Moonbyul's favorite grandma.

Of course, the 22-year-old girl loved the old lady. But that was also an alternative way of avoiding the neighbor next door.

Father and daughter took a shower and left before lunch.

They spent the entire afternoon having a family gathering and went back home early evening.

The brunette tried to sneak out again, but Mr. Moon held her arm and said:

__ Wait. I got a message for you. Yesterday, Ms. Ahn exchanged phone numbers with me and she texted me. She said they need you in the Magazine office tomorrow, at 9 am. And she sent us the address.

__ Oh....okay. Send me the address later, please.

__ What are you gonna do now?

__ Shower and check some things online.

__ Should I order us a pizza?__ The man asked with some excitement.

__ It would be cool, Dad!__ Moonbyul replied with enthusiasm to make her father feel good and climbed the stairs with some hesitation.

Once she entered the room, the girl checked carefully if the neighbor wasn't in her own room, looking at her again, and to her relief, everything was calm.

After having pizza with her father, the girl challenged him to a game, and they played until midnight.

Once the older man realized it was late, he told her to sleep because she had to look fresh and relaxed on her first day of work.

The man just forgot to teach his daughter how to relax. After all, she might bump into Yongsun at the building, and Moonbyul was not prepared for that.

Unable to take the neighbor out of her mind, the brunette got to the first floor and watched some episodes of a series.

The girl ended up sleeping on the couch until the sun was out.

In the morning, Mr. Moon had made them breakfast and was already dressed to work.

The cute handsome girl got down the stairs wearing a very unusual suit. Instead of pants, it was like a Bermuda and the long-sleeved shirt underneath the suit jacket reached her legs and was buttoned just until her belly buttoned. There was also another shirt below the long one.

Actually, the outfit was expensive for a middle-class family, but the father was always giving Moonbyul just the best things money could buy, and that was the brand she liked.

__ Grab some toast and eggs, sweetie. I'm gonna give you a ride._ The man spoke with his mouth full of juice.

__ It's okay, Dad. I'm riding my bike.__ The brunette stopped in front of a mirror in the hall and started adjusting her tie.

__ Are you sure? It doesn't cost me a thing. And you are too well dressed to walk around the street.__ The man made a gesture of approval regarding the tie.

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