Dealing with it

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Wheein noticed the sudden change in Moonbyul's mood and the classic signs the girl had cried, but the older one was not giving an opening for a talk. So, she remained quiet for the rest of the afternoon.

The shorter girl went back home with her aunt, who was acting weird and moody, too.

The short-haired one informed her niece that she was going out and told her to order some tasty food for dinner.

Wheein tried to paint something to kill time, but she was so bored that she gave up after 30 minutes.

Going through the Netflix menu, the cute girl started watching 3 or 4 series and dumped them once she realized nothing pleased her.

The pizza she had ordered finally arrived, and the brunette opened the front door to welcome the delivery boy.

Wheein was about to get back inside when she heard a loud noise coming from the yard, on the side of the house.

Curious, she put the pizza box on the floor and decided to check what was going on.

To her surprise, the sound was coming from the Moon's yard and the one doing it was Moonbyul.

The handsome, pretty older girl was obviously tipsy, and she was trying to make some radical moves with her skateboard.

__ Oh, Byul-yi. You scared me.__ Wheein declared, despite her calm voice.

Jumping and almost falling, the long-brown-haired girl cursed and kicked the skate.

__ Fuck, Wheein-ah! Why would you sneak out like a ninja? Wanna kill me?

__ Are you drunk?

Moody Moonbyul pouted and grabbed a bottle of wine that was on the corner:

__ Not yet.

__ Hey, I have pizza. Wanna share it? I could use some wine too.__ The younger one tried to sound excited.

The taller girl smirked:

__ Pizza? Byul could use some pizza. Byul likes pizza.

Wheein giggled and pulled the brunette to her house:

__ Since when are we speaking in the third person?

__ Since Byul decided. Wait! My wine!__ Moonbyul ran and picked up her bottle before hanging on Wheein's arm.

The younger one opened the door to let the neighbor in and finally rescued her box of pizza.

They ate in the kitchen while sitting on the counter and talked about their favorite songs and movies.

The pizza was gone, but the wine was gone even faster.

Wheein checked the cupboards to find some more alcohol and got them another bottle of wine.

They played some silly games and talked about embarrassing things from the past.

The younger girl asked where Mr. Moon was and the taller one said her father went to a friend's house.

Moonbyul stood up and invited:

__ Let's go to my place. We can drink all we want. Not in the mood to be here when your aunt comes back from her date.

__ How do you know it was a date?

Moonbyul raised her voice:

__ I saw the way the guy ran out of the car to greet her. And her outfit. That was a date. You know how grown-ups date. They fuck.

__ And do you care why?__ Wheein laughed.

__ Are you nuts, Whee whee? I don't! Of course, I don't! I just don't wanna see her snob superior bitch face! That player! Hets who flirt with anything that moves just for fun are the worst. No offense, since she is your family.

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