New goals

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Moonbyul was in Wheein's bed and the two best friends had been listening to music while the blue-haired one was drawing.

__ Wheein-ah, I've been thinking...

The girl encouraged without taking her eyes off the paper:

__ Yes?

__ It's about time I go to college, right?

That sentence finally broke the younger girl's attention, and she decided to focus on her friend:

__ Well, it's not like there is a rule you HAVE to go. Even your father never forced, right?

The blonde mumbled:

__ Yeah, my dad is soft. I can't complain. But I feel I lack as someone working in a company like Mamamoo. Also, one of these days, Yong is going to be ashamed of walking with me.

__ Ah, Byul-yi. I doubt she will ever. Yong is head over heels. And she never cared about that. Probably your hot mama will get proud, though.

The blonde spoke with energy:

__ I do want to make her proud. But more than that, I want to feel proud of myself.

__ Well, I would love to have you as my colleague at the Uni. I am about to restart my classes soon.

The handsome girl considered:

__ That is a very expensive place. I will have to see if my father can afford it now.

__ It will be amazing if he can, but don't feel down in case he can't. What matters is the result. A degree is always helpful. By the way, what are you planning on studying?

Moonbyul sighed and said:

__ Actually I am not 100% sure yet. Maybe administration.

__ Cool! Count on me no matter what.__ The younger girl smiled and hugged her unnie.

Wheein's bedroom door was open, and they were taken aback by Yongsun's voice:

__ You two are always glued.

Moonbyul stood up, worried that the older woman would misinterpret what she saw.

__ Oh. Hi, Yong... We were just talking...

The short-haired woman smiled and hugged the younger one, placing a peck on her lips:

__ I know, babe. I didn't know you were here, but it's a great surprise. Do you girls want to have some pizza?

__ Ah, I do! I am starving and seeing you two grooming each other like birds depresses me.__ Wheein rolled her eyes.

Laughing, the aunt slapped the blonde's butt and responded before leaving the room:

__ Hyejin is coming to join us. I thought I should mention that, in case anyone wanted to wash up or something.

Moonbyul exchanged looks with Wheein and giggled:

__ That devil is 100% blood-related to you.

__ Yeah. I like her more every day.

The older one asked in a whisper:

__ So... what are you gonna do?

__ I don't know...

The taller girl walked around the room and finally said:

__ The first phase worked well. Shy Wheein, despite being real, was a good way of breaking her walls. Now you continue being daring Whee and make her fall.

The blue-haired girl cracked up and threw herself on the bed.

A bit confused, Moonbyul waited for the girl to calm down.

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