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-Y/N is half vampire and half human - Tatter said desesperated to all of us.
I dropped my head low, realizing she was half blood broke me in pieces, knowing that in any moment she can become one of us and ruin her whole life in a matter of seconds.
-How the hell is that even posible? - Akanen said as she got closer to Tatter and looked at her even more colder than before, she was getting really mad right now.
-Your husband, he was a vampire as well - She said nearly crying at this point as she saw Kai take the bucket once again as he was ready to throw it at her again.
-That's not even posible, he never told me about it why? - Akanen said as she got more desesperated, it was getting noticeable and I placed my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
-He couldn't tell you cause you were human that's why he got killed, that's why, I think - She said getting more nervous trying to explain herself.
-Speak already you kid - Everald said as she kicked her back and she cried even more.
-That's why she's so strong and became a vampire hunter that fast, cause she's turning into one because of me - She said while she shouted this time.
As I heard her words I pushed Akanen a little too hard and kneeled in front of Tatter grabbing her by her neck.
-What do you mean by your fault huh? - I said as I realized I was going insane.
-The day I put the needle on her neck - She said while she tried to breathe - It was to put her to sleep, but as well to activate her vampire side - She finally said when I let her go, I placed my hands on my head as I walked arround, this couldn't be happening, she was gonna suffer the same Haeun did, and in gonna suffer the same thing again.
-Akanen come here - One of my cousins said as we all went to the other room leaving a helppes Tatter lying on the floor crying.
-You got betrayed by your favorite grandchild how does that feel - Akanen said as she kneeled down to Jonko's level and grabbed her face hardly.
-And how does it feel like loosing your only daughter - Jonko said as she smirked at her.
-What do you mean - Akanen said as she thoghtened her grip on her chin.
-Don't worry, she's just having fun with Hana on our old house - She said while she started to laugh out loud, as we heard that name we left the house as quick as posible on the van and got to Y/N's old house.
-How is it posible, wasn't Hana dead? - I asked as I sat on the back seat with my sister.
-I thought so too, let's just hope it's a joke - Kai said as he started driving as fast as he could.
Hana was one of our childhood friends, we used to spend time together with her and her sister as well, she was one of the strongest vampires arround, she would beat me and my siblings in ten seconds if she wanted to, sadly, 3 years ago her parents got killed by the other clans and her and her sister wanted to get revenge, but they both got killed on the try, or that's what we thought.
It was raining so the ground was modly and Kai was taking longer than usual, as each second passed by I was getting more worried about Y/N, she could defend herself pretty well, but not with Hana.
We finally arrived and saw Midnight tied to a tree at the start of the back garden from Y/N's old house, we got closer and looked arround when Kai spotted Hana and Y/N, I got closer expecting the worse when I saw Y/N kneeling down besides Hana's body, the floor was covered in blood so Y/N was, she was looking at her bloody hands as we got closer to her.
-Y/N are you okay? - Kai said as he approached her first, she wasn't replying she was just staring blank at her hands, I looked arround her and realized she didn't had any weapon or tool arround her, I looked over Akanen and she nooded at me, telling me that it was finally true.
We took her and Woonie on the van with us while Everald took Midnight home, in the way we tried to talk to her but no word came out of her mouth, not even when she got in her room when we arrived.
-Leave her some time - Akanen said as she stopped me from coming into her room with a sad smile on her face.
Akanen left and I just looked at her one last time and left as well feeling guilty.

Y/N's POV:
I was currently lying on my bed, after what I did I have a lot to think about. - How is it posible for me to kill a full vampire with my bare hands - I said to myself as I looked out of the window for a moment, trying to find a sense to everything but the only thing I got was a headache from thinking, I decided to get up and sat on the window to have some fresh air, after a couple of minutes I looked at my hands again, they were clean this time, but the smell of fresh blood was still on them, I brought one of my hands closer to my nose, and again, that feeling I had every time I fell when I was younger, that time when Tatter found a dead rabbit on the garden, when I found Wonnie, and when I killed her.
As I kept my hand close to my nose I realized my breath got heavier, I even got anxious for no reason and desesperated at the same time suddebly  I heard someone knocking on my door so I tried to hide my hands as quick as posible.
I turned arround and found Bada looking at me worried as she uses to do all the time, she's dead but she lives worried about me basically, I even forgot she was mad at me for earlier and that I haven't spoke to her since then.
-Are you okay? You seem weak - She said as she came closer to the window.
-Yeah - I said as I looked over the window not looking at her, she sat in front of me and nooded her head at me slowly, I noticed my hands shaking and I couldn't hide it anymore.
-I'm not actually, what is happening to me Bada? - I said as I was about to cry, she looked at me with a concerned look on her face and took my hands and stroked them a little bit.
-Tell me what happened and I'll try to explain it to you - She said softly as she gave me a warm smile.

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