Half Blood

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-What are you doing here? - I heard Bada said as I frooze in place, Kai and Everald were looking at me from the table as I tried to turn arround to face her, suddenly the door closed in front of my face making me jump a little bit.
- Bada what is Y/N doing down here? - I heard my mom said as she got downstairs with two vampires behind her who looked the same.
-Why wouldn't I be here? - I said as I looked at my mom and then to Bada.
-Cause you can't, here's where we feed, so you don't have to see this tuff, yet - Bada said as she looked nervous and mad at the same time, same for my mom.
-You should go give Midnight a bath, he really needs it - My mom said as she walked to the door and tried to open it while the two vampires followed her, they were looking at me with a cold look on their faces while they looked me up and down.
-Fine, I just wanted to let you guys know that I smelled two weird scents but I see no one cares - I said as I got upstairs to find Midnight.
I walked for about 10 minutes to his stable that was behind our house, I gave him a bath while he decided to eat carrots, as usual.
-I don't know why I became a vampire hunter if no one takes me seriously - I said to Midnight as I was brushing his hair - I don't even know why I'm talking to you if you can't understand me - I said while he turned his head to look at me - Or you do somehow - I said as I patted his face while I looked at it - You remind me of - I said as I realized, I haven't seen Woonie since the incident, I pancicked a little bit thinking if she was dead too, but that couldn't be posible, I prepared Midnight and we went back to my grandma's house as fast as posible.

-Wonnie!? - I said as I got off from midnight, I got no response from her so I decided to look on my tiny house to see if she was there, I saw the little door was a little opened so I got inside just to find a peaceful Wonnie sleeping on her old blanket on the floor, some tears escaped from my eyes as I couldn't believe I forgot about her all this time, I approached her and touched her little nose as I used to do when I was little, she woke up and as soon as she saw me she got on my lap waving her tail in excitement.
-You missed me right? - I said as I smiled to her, she calmed down a little bit and barked at me, not stopping her little wavy tail.
-Let's go to your new home, you must be hungry right? - I said as I took her blanket and some toys that where on the floor, that's when I saw blood on the floor being a little furniture, I pushed it away and I saw a dead rabbit.
-You've been eating this? - I said as I looked at Woonie who wanted to it from it, I took her in my arms and looked at it one last time, wondering how would it feel to eat that kind of stuff.
I walked out closing the little door as I could and walked towards Midnight to pack everything on one of the bags on his mount, as I was to get on Midnight I heard some noises behind me while Wonnie started marking in that direction, I assumed it was Bada somehow so I decided to ignore her since she looked mad at me.
-Where do you think you're going little hunter? -

Bada's POV:
-Akanen you heard her, that's not even posible for her right? - I said as I walked arround the room.
-Bada calm down, that can't be, I would have known by now - Akanen said as she grabbed some tools while my siblings did the same.
-But do you really  think she could be - I was saying when I got cut by Akanen once again.
-Bada there's only one way to find out - She said while she gave me a bucket with water.
-Be careful with that - She said while I looked at it realizing what it was.
As we were ready we opened the hidden back door from the basement, I got inside and placed the bucket  carefully in the middle of the room, while the others did the same with their tools and stuff.
-Time to wake up come on - Everald said codly as she kicked Tatter and Jobko on their stomach to make them react, their eyes were adjusting to the bright light that was pointing their faces while they were tied on the floor.
-What the hell have you done to my daughter - Akanen said placing a chair in front of them, she sat there and stared at their souls for the first time in her life and I could tell it.
-You finally realized something my lovely daughter - Jonko said as she smirked at Akanen, Tatter was sitting there looking at everyone in fear shaking, when she turned her head to Jonko when she let a loud scream out of her mouth.
-Don't you ever call me your daughter again - Akanen said while she laughed at her since Everald who got behind them without being noticed threw a silver daggue right on her back.

-I'm not gonna tell you what you want - Jonko said as she tried to not pass out, Akanen had cutted her skin and stabbed her multiple times already, but she wasn't gonna speak, or that what I thought, until I got an idea.
-What a shame - I said as I got up and speaking up for the first time, Tatter and Jonko looked at me at the same time - How bad do you love your only grandchild? - I said as I walked arround Tatter.
-Don't you even dare to touch her I'm not telling you even if you do so - Jonko said getting desesperated.
-Interesting, we'll see about that - I said as I smirked at her and went to grab the bucket and throw it on top of Tatter.
As the water traveled down her body she let out some loud screams that made me feel a little bad I'm not gonna lie, but as soon as I reminded what they had done to Y/N I wanted to keep going.
-I'll tell you the truth - Suddenly Tatter said as she struggled to talk due the pain, Jonko tried to stop her screaming but my cousins grabbed her and took her outside.
-Come on - I said as I looked down at her and everyone got closer to her as well.
-Y/N is half human half vampire -

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