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-Y/N where are you going? -
-Oh, Tatta you scared me, I'm going on a walk to clear my mind a little bit - I said to her as I started to get my bad and stuff ready.
-Can I go with you? - She said with a smile on her face as she looked at me.
-No, you can't Tatta, I wanna go alone for a little bit im sorry, btw have you seen my boots? - I said to her as I looked arround.
-Yeah, I think they're on the hall - She said kinda annoyed as she left the room.

-Woonie let's go, we're so close to the location - I said as she came running towards me, she was looking arround too much, she usually does but not this much, it made me worry a little bit since we were alone in the middle of the woods, I was looking at the map when suddenly Woonie started running away.
-Wait Woonie come back - I said as I lost her and I kept running, I looked for her for 10 minutes when I finally saw a tunel made of shruberies, I crossed it and ended up in an old house that had an old stable besides it?
I got closer to the big stable and looked arround a little bit.
-No one's here, it's too old for someone to be living here or having animals in here - I said as I turned arround to leave when I heard something from the inside of the stable, I walked in carefully and slowly, not a single noise came out of my mouth, I walked slowly until I saw an open door in one of the compartments that where on the stable, I got closer and saw a gorgeous black horse lying there, it looked a little bit sick, it had some food but no water, so I decided to look for something to bring him water, I finally found an old bucket and a tap, I cleaned the bucket a little bit and filled it.
-Here little horsey - I said as I got closer to it slowly to not scare it, I placed the bucket in front of it and it started drinking from it right away.
-You were thirsty right? - I said as a warm smile appeared on my face, I took the map out of my bad and looked at it.
-Wait, this can be true - I said as I realized I was at the mark I had to be, the house on the map looked exactly like this one, and even the stable, that it was too small to see it correctly, I put it back on my bag and I quickly took the sketchbook out on the page of the horse painting.
-So you're my mother's horse, but how? - I said as I looked at him, he was looking at me while he was drinking the water I got for him, I kneeled down with him and placed the sketchbook on the floor, I raised my arm a little bit to touch him, but first I waited to see if he was gonna let me do it, I kept my arm like that for a couple of seconds, he was looking at me all the time, until he lowered his head a little bit and he let me touch him for the first time.
-Y/Nie touch the horsey, he won't hurt you come on -
-Akanen be carefully with the kid, the horse may bite her, she's just one year old -

-What the hell was that? - I said to myself as those memories came to my mind I was looking at Midnight when he suddenly got up and started to neigh and walking back.
-Hyrashi Y/N, you should take care of your dog not some stupid horse you don't even know -I suddenly heard Bada's voice and I hide the notebook on my back as quick as I could, I turned arround and saw Woonie on her arms, luckily she didn't saw me hiding the notebook, I looked at her face and she looked mad at me.
-It's not a stupid horse, and what the hell are you doing here? - I said to her as I took Woonie in my arms, while I did I touched Bada's hand by accident, I looked at her hands as they felt really soft and cold at the same time, I looked at her and she was already looking at me surprised as well, it was our first time touching skin by skin with each other.
-Nevermind let's just get you back home - She said as she cleared her throat and started walking away.
-Bada wait, no, I can't leave it like this - I said as I left Woonie in the floor and reached her.
-And why is that, it's not yours right? - She said as she raised an eyebrow at me and crossed her arms.
-No Bada, it's not mine - I said as I sighed.
-Then why do you care about it? - She said in a cold tone to me.
-I I can't tell you I'm sorry - I said as I looked away from her, she was looking me deep in the eyes and it was making me fell nervous.
-Y/N I've known you for a long time now why can't you tell me, you don't trust me anymore? - She said with a worried tone as she got a step closer to me.
-I do but I - I said to her, I was trying to speak correctly but I couldn't, the words won't come out of my mouth.
-Hey, you two what are you doing here?! - Suddenly a men said as he walked in the stable.
-Y/N let's go! - Bada said as she grabbed my arm and started running away from the man, Wonnie saw us and started running with us.
-Bada, Bada please stop I'm tired - I said as I was panting really hard, we've been running for 10 minutes by now non stop, I told her again to stop but she wouldn't listen.
-Bada I said stop! - I said as I pulled her hard and she finally stopped looking at me.
-Why, he can chase us we need to keep going now! - She said desesperated as I stopped her once again.
-Bada, how the hell does that man see you, no one can see you beside - I kept saying to her, I looked at her as she was looking already at me surprised and worried them she started aproaching me and looking at me in the eyes like she was staring at my soul.
-Y/N look at me - She said while she took my head on her hands not letting me look anywhere else, I looked her in the eyes as I felt dizzy for a moment, the last thing I saw was Bada catching me before I could hit the floor.

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