Wake Up

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Bada's POV:

Its been a long month since what happened, I managed to save Y/N by sucking the venom from her neck, hoping for her to not turn into an actual vampire, at least for now.
Since that I've been visiting her on her mother's room as I used to do on her old one, even though my room was besides the one she was in, I always feel the urge to go check up on her, even tho she was asleep I kept talking to her, hoping for her to wake up soon.
-Bada you should go and feed yourself, let me take care of her this time - Kai said as he came into the room, I was just staring at Y/N as I usually do, sitting by her side like always, Kai was right, I haven't fed in 4 days because I've been with Y/N all this time, I just ignored him so he came closer to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
-Fine but it won't take a while - I said annoyed as I pushed his hand back and walked out of the room.

It's true that I've been stressed out about this whole situation, me and Akanen had to deal with the bodies of Tatter and Jonko, they were dead but they can regenerate themselves at any moment, we decided to tell Y/N they were dead to protect her from them also Akanen decided to keep them locked on our big basement under our house while Everald and Kai watch the door in case they wake up or someone who is not one of us enters the basement, also in case that happens, I have my twin cousins and other family members arround so they can help at any time.
- Lee Bada! - Suddenly I heard Everald call me from behind.
-What's wrong? - I said as I turned arround to face her when I got out of my thoughts.
-You really need to feed yourself, you're distracted all the time, and more pale even - She said while she catched my step, she looked at me with a worried face that I have never seen before from her in a very long time.
-I'm going now don't worry - I said as I looked at her confused.
-Why are you looking at me like that? - Everald said as she smiled at me.
-You're being too kind? - I said as I looked at her.
-I'm just worried about my little sister that's all - She said annoyed as she rushed her speed.
-Wait where are you going? - I said as I looked at her with a smile on my face.
-To hunt, let's do this together again - She said while she kept walking, I shook my head and catched her speed.

Y/N's POV:

I opened my eyes as soon as I heard her voice in my head, she kept calling me like last time when she told me to come back home out of nowhere, like when I was little.
As I looked arround I found myself lying on my mom's bed, I realized I was asleep when I remembered what really happened, I quickly placed my hand on my neck to see if there was any mark on it but there was nothing, I got up and approached an old mirror that was hanging on one of the blue walls of the room, I looked at it and there was a big mark on my neck, not noticeable from the far but if you look at it closely you can still see it.
-Don't worry, it'll fade away in some time - I suddenly heard a familiar voice from the door, I turned arround and saw a smiley Kai looking at me.
I smiled at him and he came running to me to hug me.
-Kai you're too strong remember? - I said as I tried to breathe, he looked at me and let me go while he got embarrased about it.
-How are you feeling, aren't you tired or dizzy? - He said worried to me.
-I'm fine don't worry, but where are the others? - I said as I looked at him, he just had a sad expression on his face and that's when I thought the worst about all of this.
-Let's go down stairs to talk to your mom first, she'll be happy to see you awake - He said while he smiled softly at me, then he leaded me to the living room while I just wanted to cry.

-She killed them!? - I said to my mom all of sudden, she got surprised by the fact that I was still worried about Tatter and my grandma after what have they done to me.
-Y/N she had to, or else she would - She kept saying the same thing when I got tired of it.
-Just leave it - I said with a sad tone as I leaned back on the sofa with my thoughts.
My mom and Kai kept talking about a mission they are going to tomorrow, they had it all planed but since I woke up they have to plan everything again.
- Are you sure she's gonna be able to handle seeing one of us doing that? - I heard Kai whispering as if I wasn't close enough to them to hear him.
-Of course I can handle it, but what do you mean exactly by one of us doing that? - I said as I looked at him with an umbothered face and my arms crossed over my chest.
-Well you know, that thing - He tried to explain himself but he just looked dumb I have to say.
-You'll probably have to see one of them killing another vampire, or even more - My mom said as she got up and walked arround the room with an old paper on her hands.
-Jeez Akanen don't go that hard on her - Kai said amused as he looked at me.
-I don't care, I've been preparing her for this, she shouldn't be surprised at this point - My mom said umbothered while she kept walking arround.
-Yeah I'm not a kid anymore you don't have to try and hide those things to me anymore - I said as I looked at him and gave a quick small smile as he did the same.
-Seems like the big kiddo is finally awake - I heard Everald's voice on the other side of the room, I turned arround confidently and my body completely froze when I saw Bada, standing besides her while she was staring at me as If she was looking at my soul, besides she had a cold and a really worried expression on her face.

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