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-Y/Nie sweetheart why don't you go play with Woonie for a while like you always do? - Grandma said when those two mans and that woman came into the living room, at first I got scared and hided behind my grandma but then I decided to go and play with Woonie in the gardens.
-I don't like those people Woonie - I said crossing my arms while arriving to our secret wood house in the very back of the garden, it was practically surrounded by tall threes.
Woonie just barked at me and sat besides me in her pink blanket on the floor, but she quickly looked to the outside of our house and got up to go to the door that was open and started barking.
-Who are you talking about little one? -
-Oh unnie, you scared me - I said as I put my hand on my chest, seeing that blonde haired girl made me feel safe in here all the time, but for no reason I was always aware of her, I don't even know why.
-Well, if you're scared then you should wake up and come back -
I suddenly woke up, drenched in sweat and panting really hard.
-Jeez leave me alone, there's no way Im going back to you after what you did you heard me Unnie??!!!-

-Y/N it's been 7 years already why do you wanna go all of sudden? - My sister Tatter said when half an hour passed since I started driving.
-I just wanted to go - I said looking at the road umbothered.
-Look, I know you're hiding something from me, you've been working non stop and you earned a lot of money recently, and you always waste your money on clothes, but this time, you didn't so - She said turning her head towards me - Tell me what are you up to - She said with a excited smile hoping for me to tell her what was going on.
I sighed and after a couple of seconds of thinking if I should tell her or not I finally decided to tell her everything that I was planing, well, almost everything.
When I was younger I used to live with my grandmother, who lived in a big old house in the woods, I remember myself playing arround in the gardens with my dog Woonie, we could spend the whole afternoon playing in the woods alone or that's what we thought at first, anyways I just wanted to go and leave my nightmares apart, maybe if I go back I can get back to sleep without having them, but I wasn't gonna tell Tatter about that, cause she doesn't know about it.
-So you just wanna make reforms and live there??? - Tatter said to me surprised and a little bit worried.
-I don't wanna live there, I just want to fix the house so we can go on summer or on holidays - I said looking to the road all the time.
Tatter just nooded and fell asleep since she was very tired because she woke up much earlier cause she was too excited to go, actually the house was already reformed, my grandmother just called me and told me to keep the secret, that's why I'm taking Tatter to see her, she left seven years ago without an explanation so I was hoping I could get some explanation from her or something, I looked at Tatter's sleeping figure, she looked so cute as always, then I suddenly remembered the day I met her, you would ask yourself, if it's her sister what does she mean my that? , well, she's not my real sister, the day those two mens and that woman walked in was the first time I saw her, when I came back with Wonnie she was sitting on the couch with grandma, I sat with them and looked at Tatter, she was so pale and blonde, too skinny as well, my grandma told me she was gonna live with us so I had to treat her like a little sister, at first, I didn't liked the idea, I mean come on, I was nine at that time and she was seven, of course I was jealous of having to share the only maternal figure that I had since my dad left when I was born and my mom did the same when I was two, so my grandmother took care of me, but then I got along with her and we started to feel like we were sisters.
I kept driving for two long hours, Tatter was still asleep and I decided to take a little break, I let her sleep so I parked and got out of the car to strech my legs a little bit, we were close to grandma's house actually, like half an hour away, I've always loved living in the woods, the peace that brings to my mind makes me feel like home, I got a little bit away from the car and took a ciggatete out and a lighter, I took some drags to try and feel more relaxed, but I couldn't, the nightmares that I've been having came back again to my mind especially that one I had last night, which was also a reason for me to come back there today.
-She won't leave me the fuck alone why? - I said to my self as I looked arround, there was no noise, no cars, nothing, just the nature and me, I started to think in what my grandma said to me, why would she tell me to go seven years after she disappeared without saying anything, and why all of sudden I'm having those fucking nightmares? , I started to walk arround trying to find a solution to it but nothing, I suddenly stopped by the feeling of being watched, that exact fucking feeling from when I was younger, that's when I finally smelled it and I heard a crack.
-Unnie?! -

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