Where Have You Been

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I was currently on my tiny house, I've have rode the diary over three times already, the diary always talks about those leeches all the time, I've looked for them in some books but nothing.
-Wonnie let's go for a walk - I said as I grabbed her leash, I decided to take another path, there was a tiny waterfall and a river.
-It seems familiar somehow? - I said looking at it while walking.
-We took the left path, passing the river, and the only waterfall on the woods - Suddenly I remembered the diary, it was the same way that was written on it - at the end of the path I have to keep going besides the river, and at the end of it, the old lady's house should be there if I'm right - I said as I increased my speed, I followed the river and there was an old house, I hesitated to go and knock on the door to see if the lady would remember the owner of the diary, but Woonie started pulling me to the front door, I don't even know why, but I instantly knocked on the door without thinking twice, I waited for a long time until the door opened a little bit.
-What do you want? - An old voice spoke from the other side of the door, it wasn't completely open, and it was too dark inside of it to see if it was the old lady.
-Sorry for the bother, I was wondering if you knew who does this diary belong to by any chance? - I said with a warm smile showing the diary that was in my bag.
The old lady opened the door completely and looked at me with horror eyes, she looked pale and her eyes were really light but at the same time they didn't have any sparkle on them, then she looked at the diary and suddenly walked back.
-I told you to leave me alone, you fucking leech hunter, don't come back here! - The lady said while she was shaking and nearly crying as she closed the door and locked it on my face.
-Leech hunter? - I said to myself as I looked at the diary.

-Y/N swetie where have you been, I was worried about you - My grandma said as I walked in the living room with Woonie.
-Granma, can I ask you something? - I said with a worried expression as I sat besides her on the couch.
-Sure what is it? - My grandma turned to me and looked at me in the eyes.
-What are the leeches? - I said as I looked at her playing with my hands, she looked at me surprised for a moment but her face changed really fast to a worried one again.
-Y/Nie who told you about the leeches? - She said looking me deep in the eyes.
-Well, I went on a walk with Wonnie and I found an old house, I was thirsty so I decided to see if someone lived there and an old lady came out saying that I was a leech and to leave her alone when I don't even know that lady, or do I? - I asked her since maybe I met her when I was younger.
-They call us like that cause it means the people that live in the middle of the woods, and that lady is crazy don't worry about her - She said kinda nervous and she stroked my hands before getting up and went to the kitchen to make dinner, I decided to play some TV while I waited.
-Y/Nie dear, try this infusion that my friend gave me - She said as she brought the glass to me.
-It smells nice - I said as I took a ship from it, I told her I liked it and she went back to the kitchen, as I was watching TV I was taking the infusion, suddenly I felt sleepy, and in a couple of minutes I was passed on the couch.

I woke up in my bed by the sound of the birds.
-What am I doing here? - I said as I remembered being on the couch last time I was awake.
-You took your pills, so you fell asleep on the couch - Tatter said as she came into the bedroom, she looked better and I was so happy to finally see her again.
-Tatta - I said smiling to her and jumped out of the bed to hug her.
I spent the rest of the day with her, talking and playing arround as we used to do, she had to go again for a couple of hours so I decided to keep working on my painting, I got upstairs and when I reached the painting I froze on the spot, the painting was completely ruined, it was all covered in red paint like the floor, all the brushes where on the floor as well, I got closer to it as I tried not to cry.
-What the hell happened here? - I said to myself as I felt disappointed since I spent a lot of time working on it.
-You did it - Suddenly a voice said, I turned arround and saw Bada sitting on the window smiling at me but with a worried look at the same time, I looked at her for a couple of seconds, forgetting about the painting, remembering that it had been a while since I haven't saw her.
-Where have you been, and what do you mean I did this? - I said trying not to cry as I got closer to her.
-Nevermind, I'll help you paint it again don't worry - She said umbothered as she looked at the painting.
Everything was too much for me, I was trying to find sense to everything but nothing, my head started hurting so I decided to relax a little bit and stop thinking about it.
-Here take some brushes - I said as I kneeled to get the brushes but there were more than last time, the red and gold ones where there but, a couple of blue and silver ones were there as well.
-You're dreaming, you probably took more pills and fell asleep don't worry Y/N - I said in my mind as I grabbed the brushes.
-I'll paint it white completely so we can start again - Bada said as she took a bucket of white painting.
I nooded at her and I saw that one of the blue and silver brushes was big enough to cover the whole painting, I took it and gave it to Bada, she looked at it for a moment.
-Actually, I'll use that one better - She said pointing to another one, it was a little bit smaller, I left the other one on the floor and gave the other one to her.
-You don't like blue? - I said laughing at her as she started painting.
-Um, kinda - She said nervously as she kept painting.
After four hours of working we managed to paint half of it as it was before, I helped Bada by showing her in a paper what it should looked like, suddenly we heard the door open.
-Y/N we're home! - I heard my grandma scream from downstairs, I looked at Bada and she was in front of me.
-Y/N if you want to see me more often - She said as she took my hands and got closer to me - Please stop taking those pills - She said with a worried face, she sounded really serious about the pills, I was gonna ask her why but suddenly my grandma came into the loft running and breathing heavily.
-Hayashi Y/N who are you with?! - My grandma said as she looked arround desesperated.
I turned arround and Bada was gone, of course she was, she's just an alucination after all.
-I'm alone what's wrong? - I said worried to her, how did she knew I was with someone?
-Nothing I thought there was someone here since yesterday someone got here and destroyed your painting, but I see you fixed it - She said as she tried to compose her self and looked at the painting.

A couple of days passed by again, nothing interesting happened, I've been feeling sick every day, mostly weak, my grandma says that I must have catched a cold or something, I was getting ready to go to bed when Tatter asked me something.
-Unnie, have you been having visions lately? - She said while she sat on her bed.
-No Tatta, why? - I said as I got in my bed, I didn't want to take the pills since I wanted to see Bada more, but my grandma made sure she was in front of me every time I took them.
-I'm just worried about you Unnie that's all, now let's sleep so you can rest - She said giving me a warm smile and she lied on her bed as I did the same.

-Wonnie what do you think about leeches? - I said to her waiting for her answer, as if she was gonna answer me or something, she just looked at me waving her tail as usual.
-Y/N, Y/N! - Suddenly Bada came in the tiny house all of sudden, making me and Wonnie jump a little bit.
-Bada, what's wrong? - I said placing the diary aside and looked at her, she was sweating and out of breath.
-Y/N you have to wake up, please! - She said as she bent down to my level and grabbed my head, she started shaking it so badly that I could barely see her at this point.
-Hayashi Y/N wake up! - She said one more time before I finally woke up.
-Grandma what are you doing!? -

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