Chapter 25: Welcome Feast

Start from the beginning

Draco smirked.

Dumbledore only looked taken aback for a moment, then he sat down smartly and looked alertly at Professor Umbridge as though he desired nothing better than to listen to her talk. Other members of staff were not as adept at hiding their surprise. Professor Sprout's eyebrows had disappeared into her flyaway hair and Professor McGonagall's mouth was as thin.

No new teacher had ever interrupted Dumbledore before. Many of the students were smirking; this woman obviously did not know how things were done at Hogwarts.

"Thank you, Headmaster,' Professor Umbridge simpered, 'for those kind words of welcome.' Her voice was high-pitched, breathy and little-girlish.

In the presence of Professor Umbridge, Slytherins couldn't help but conceal their amusement behind carefully crafted masks of indifference. They exchanged smirks and raised eyebrows as she addressed the students in a high-pitched, breathy voice that bordered on the absurd. Her attempts at friendliness only elicited stifled snickers and eye rolls from the Slytherins, who found her demeanor and fluffy pink cardigan utterly laughable.

As Umbridge continued to prattle on, attempting to portray herself as approachable and likable, the Slytherins couldn't contain their amusement. They found her transparent attempts at charm and her pointedly insincere smile both comical and pathetic. Even her throat-clearing coughs, punctuated with a self-important "hem, hem," failed to impress the cunning Slytherins, who saw through her facade with ease.

When Umbridge shifted to a more serious tone, reciting Ministry-approved rhetoric about the importance of magical education, the Slytherins exchanged knowing glances. They saw her words for what they were: empty platitudes designed to assert authority and manipulate the impressionable minds of young witches and wizards. Despite her efforts to appear knowledgeable and authoritative, the Slytherins remained unimpressed, finding entertainment in her transparent attempts at influence.

There was a great clattering and banging all around them; Dumbledore had obviously just dismissed the school, because everyone was standing up ready to leave the Hall.

Celestia jumped up, looking flustered.

'Draco, we're supposed to show the first-years where to go!'

Draco rolled his eyes, "yeah I know"

"First years" Celestia called around the table, no first year tried to cross her, they all followed her silently towards the common room.

The common room buzzed with excitement as Celestia Malfoy and her Slytherin peers returned from the opening feast, their spirits high and their hearts light with anticipation. The crackling fire cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating the ornate tapestries that adorned the stone walls. Snape had warned them not to stay up late but he didn't forbid.

Draco Malfoy, ever the charismatic host, wasted no time in conjuring bottles of firewhiskey, his silver eyes gleaming with mischief as he distributed the drinks among his eager housemates. Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson joined them, their laughter ringing out like bells as they passed around the bottles with careless abandon.

Celestia settled onto a plush sofa, her heart racing with excitement as she watched the festivities unfold around her. She was thinking about Harry when Theodore Nott, a mischievous glint in his dark eyes, sauntered over to her side, a bottle of firewhiskey hidden beneath his robes.

"Care to partake in a little indulgence, Celestia?" he purred, his voice low and husky as he offered her the bottle.

Celestia accepted with a coy smile, the thrill of rebellion coursing through her veins as she took a swig from the bottle. The firewhiskey burned pleasantly on her tongue, warming her from the inside out as she leaned back against the cushions.

As the firewhiskey flowed freely, the common room erupted into a cacophony of music and laughter. Blaise charmed the gramophone to play upbeat tunes, and soon the room was alive with the infectious rhythm of wizarding music.

Draco, fueled by liquid courage, took to the center of the room, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced with abandon. Pansy joined him, her laughter ringing out like silver bells as she twirled and spun with effortless grace.

Meanwhile, Theodore sidled up beside Celestia, a smirk playing on his lips as he offered her his hand. "Care to join me for a dance, Celestia?" he murmured, his dark eyes smoldering with intensity.

Celestia accepted with a playful grin, allowing him to lead her onto the makeshift dance floor. They moved together with effortless grace, their bodies swaying in time with the music as they lost themselves in the moment.

As they danced, Celestia found herself drawn to Theodore's magnetic charm, her heart fluttering with excitement as they twirled and spun around the room. They flirted shamelessly, their banter laced with innuendo and laughter as they reveled in the freedom of the night.

Meanwhile, Draco and Pansy led a group of Slytherins in a raucous game of wizarding poker, their voices rising above the music as they placed bets and traded playful insults. Blaise, ever the charmer, entertained a group of giggling girls with tales of his daring exploits, his silver tongue weaving tales of adventure and intrigue.

As the night wore on, the firewhiskey flowed freely amongst the purebloods, and the Slytherins embraced the intoxicating euphoria of the moment. For Celestia and her peers, it was a night of revelry and camaraderie, a fleeting escape from the pressures of the outside world. And as they danced and laughed into the early hours of the morning, they knew that they had made memories that would last a lifetime.

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