I lay my head back down on my pillow. Camilla groans and turns over to face me. “Good morning,” she groans. “Morning,” I say, mid yawn.

“What time is it,” she asks. “Eleven thirty,” I say. “Oh, wow. I guess I was really tired,” she says, rubbing her eyes. “I guess we missed church,” she says. “Oops,” I say. “I probably wouldn't have gone even if I woke up in time. I'm exhausted,” I add. “Yeah me neither. There's always next week,” she says.

I stumble out of bed and look around the kitchen for a coffee pot. “Do you have coffee in here,” I ask. “No. We have to go inside,” she sighs. I let out a sleepy whine and walk back to the bed.

I flop onto it, my face burried in my pillow. “I need coffee,” I whine into my pillow. “I really should put some in here, shouldn't I?” “Yes,” I groan.

“I couldn't sleep till like four a.m last night.” “I was out right when my head hit the pillow,” she says. “Lucky you,” I groan. I may seem like a morning person, but if I don't have my coffee or at least nine hours of sleep, im super grumpy.

“What are your plans for today,” she asks. “I think Ezra wanted to hang out. Also, I'm pretty sure the group is getting together again, so I probably will hang out with them,” I say, my face still in my pillow.

“You totally can come.” “I might actually take you up on that. I have nothing to do today and I definatly don't want to be home all day,” she says. “That's cool with me. I'll look to see when everyone is meeting up,” I say. I open my phone and text Ezra.

Me: Hey! When's everyone getting together today?

“Okay, I texted Ezra,” I say. “Cool. Are you guys going to hang out one on one today,” she asks. “Maybe, but I don't want to leave you,” I say. “I've met pretty much your entire group. I'll be okay by myself,” she says. “True. We'll see how the day goes, though,” I say. My phone buzzes with a text.

Ezra: Morning
Ezra: I think it's whenever. Everyone was up pretty late last night.
Me: Yeah, I just woke up.
Ezra: Me too. I couldn't fall asleep last night
Me: Me neither. AND I haven't had my coffee, yet. This is a disaster waiting to happen.
Ezra: Lol are you a coffee addict?
Me: Through and through
Ezra: ‘Dead till I get my coffee’ addict?
Me: well, I have had my face in my pillow for like 10 minutes, so I'd say yeah.
Ezra: lol well get yourself some coffee
Me: Getting some rn

“Okay I need coffee. I'm going inside to get some,” I announce, climbing off the bed. I walk out of the camper and into Camilla's little town house. I walk in and I can already smell hints of coffee from earlier this morning.

No one's in the house because they all left for church. I walk up stairs to her kitchen and walk over to the coffee maker which already has just enough for me in the pot. It’s cold, but I like my coffee iced, anyway.

I grab a tumbler cup out of the cabinets and walk over to the freezer. I grab the ice tray and pop a handful out and put it in the cup. I make my own coffee ice cubes at home so it doesn't dilute the coffee, but this will do.

I pour the rest of the coffee from the pot into my cup. I walk back to the cabinets and grab the brown sugar and vanilla and put a little bit of each in my cup. I grab milk out of the fridge and pour it over my mixture. I stir it up and take a large sip. Just how I like it.

Now feeling a boost of energy, I skip out of the house and back into the camper. “Well your mood has changed,” Camilla says. “That's because I have my coffee,” I grin.

“I hope it's okay that I've used your cup,” I say. “It's Margots, but she'll be fine with it,” she says. Margot is one of the two sisters Camilla has. She's the oldest so she's pretty chill and she doesn't mind me, which is good. “Oh, oops. I thought it was yours.” “No, it's okay. She'll be fine with it,” she repeats.

“Okay, I need to get this morning crust off my face,” I say. “I have face wash in the bathroom,” she says, checking something on her phone.

“I need to borrow some clothes from you, too,” I say. “Yeah, no problem,” she smiles. I walk into the bathroom and wash my face, removing all the makeup from last night. I brush my teeth with the toothbrush I keep here. Yes, I keep a toothbrush here.

After I'm finished, I walk out of the bathroom and Camilla is gone. She must be inside. I grab my bathing suit and clothes off the floor and walk out of the camper.

I walk back into Camillas house and I walk downstairs to Camilla's room to see her ruffling through her clothes. “Hey,” she smiles. “Hey,” I say, looking at her clothes with her. “You can borrow whatever you want,” she says, walking away from her dresser and getting into the clothes she picked out.

I look through her drawers and pick out a pair of Jean shorts and a white baby tee. You can see the small pink flowers on my bikini top through the shirt, but that's okay.

Camilla walks out and I can hear her walk up the stairs. I get into my bathing suit and put on the clothes I picked out. I spray some of her perfume on myself and walk upstairs.

“You look cute,” she smiles. “Thank you. So do you,” I say. She's wearing a darker wash of jean shorts than the one I'm wearing and a yellow cropped tank top.

I notice a pair of giant square sunglasses on her head. I recognize those frames. “Hey, those are mine,” I say, pointing to the frames on her head. Her eyes go wide.

“Whatttt? No,” she smiles. “Those are totally mine. You thief,” I giggle. “Yeah, fine. I'll give them back at the end of the day,” she sighs. “Fine with me. As long as I get them back. I've been looking for those,” I say. “Yeah I will,” she says.

“I'm borrowing your makeup,” I announce, walking into her bathroom. “Okay.” I do the same amount of makeup I usually do in the summer. Mascara, blush, highlighter, bronzer and eyebrow gel. Thankfully she has waterproof makeup, too.

I walk out of the bathroom and Camilla's sitting at her dining room table, a bowl of cereal in front of her and another one across from her.

“I got you a bowl of cereal,” she smiles. “You're the best,” I exclaim. “I know I am,” she says, followed by a laugh. We eat our cereal in hungry silence.

“Do you want to go out anyway, even if no one is there yet,” she asks, finishing her last bite. “Sure! There's no point sitting in here,” I say. “Yeah, besides, it's beautiful today,” she says, looking out the window behind her.

It really is. The sun is shining and there are no clouds in sight. It's gonna be another hot day today.

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