Mac n Cheese

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Lizzie's POV:

It's the final scene and to say I'm nervous is an understatement, at least we have been covered by the crew and I know no one is going to release anything. Me and Scarlett are currently laid with me on top, the harness attached to my hips and ready for the scene to be called into action.

I'm a little nervous because if I'm being honest it's been a while since I have had sex and I know that doesn't matter because it's not real less but still it plays on my mind.


We immediately start kissing deeply, I 'thrust' the toy inside of her causing Scarlett to gasp before moaning loudly. I could listen to those moans all day. My hands are either side of her head holding me up as I thrust at a steady pace making the bed rock a little, Scarlett gasps and moans rolling her head from side to side. Her hands clawing at my back as her eyes remain closed.

"Cut!" I quickly jump off her and throw the robe around myself but Scarlett lays still for a second making me worried. Did I do something wrong?" I don't dare to go and watch this scene back, I let my manager watch it as she is making sure that nothing is on show and that they are following all of the terms in the contract I had signed and so had they. I can see Scarlett's manager doing the exact same.

I look over to see Scarlett has a look of confusion on her face, almost as though she is lost in her own thoughts, maybe I did do something wrong. Just as I'm about to go up to her the director interrupts me.

"Reset." Okay so we are doing this again.

We wait for the bed to be put back into position before climbing on, I make sure not to put any pressure on her. We wait for the directors call before performing the scene again, this time me and Scarlett are asked to kiss a little more which is hard to remember when I have all the other things going on.

"Cut! That was perfect." We nod our heads as we wait to see if it really was, I mean you never know because they might find something wrong with the scene.

"All clear." We nod our heads and make our way back to the makeup and costume trailer so we can get dressed out of it all.

I make sure to be quick because I just want to get home as soon as possible, I look at my watch and realise it is already 9pm and I'm meant to be on set in the morning at 6am. I decide to stay in my trailer for the night as I have enough clothes and there is no point in me going home for a couple hours before having to leave the house again and drive up to work.

I avoid Scarlett at all costs despite what my sisters said, I don't have the confidence for this at all. As soon as I'm in bed I wrap myself in blankets and let sleep consume me.

Scarlett's POV:

Filming this entire scene has been nothing but awkward, but it almost feels natural all at once. I wouldn't be lying if I said that all my reactions weren't fake I mean most if not all my moans were real and I have no idea why I feel this way.

As soon as we finished filming I practically got home as quick as I could, well I picked up Nova who was rather happy to be leaving the daycare and was excited to go home. I can still feel the tingles on my waist and hips from where Lizzie's hands were and to say I was worried it would be too fake and uncomfortable is an understate.

Once we arrived home I got us ready for bed because filming had gone on longer than I had expected so I know I need to Nova to sleep as soon as possible otherwise I will end up with a cranky baby tomorrow morning and I don't want to be on set with a toddler who keeps crying her eyes out all the time.

Time skip~

I'm back on set again and we are getting ready to film the next scene of the movie, I'm definitely back in my element and not as worried about the rest of the movie now that the scene if done and filmed. I'm just about to grab some coffee when I bump into someone, my head snaps up and I immediately see Lizzie stood with her cute shy smile. Wait cute? I'm not sure where that came from.

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