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Nova's POV:

I can't believe the white haired lady found me, I was so quiet but I guess she had found me anyway. She was super nice though as sat down next to me so she didn't seem super scary because adults are so big and tall, I had almost forgotten the not mommy said I had to give someone but I remembered and after a bit of a struggle I managed to get it out of my back pocket.

Once I had handed it over to her she looked kind of upset and a little shocked, maybe mommy wrote something mean on it that the lady didn't like? She gave the more to her brown haired friend and gave me a small smile, but I could see she was a little confused if anything.

However as soon as she said my name she caught my attention, I didn't tell her my name and mommy wasn't here to tell her my name so how did she know my name? Was it on the paper I had given to her? Anyway I'm getting way too distracted on this, the brown headed lady had her phone to her ear and I bet she was talking to someone because she kept talking but it was held to her ear.

After a while three new people I haven't seen in here before walked in and came over to meet me, they were awfully polite but the oh man with a beard seemed a little scary he had a bit of a tummy but he was still super scary. They also read the note I had given who I now know as Scarlett and kept looking back and forth between me and the note.

I was eventually told we were going on a little car ride, I'm sooo lucky that's two car rides how cool. I think I like cars they look super big and scary but are actually really fun and if you look out of the window you can see so much it's super cool everything is just kind of blurry but you can see people and everything.

I agreed to the little trip Scarlett had said because I didn't want to make her angry and I also wanted to see the outside I don't get to see it too often. But I had to make sure that I wouldn't get in trouble for leaving the trailer because mommy said I couldn't move, after she had agreed I wouldn't get hurt she leant me her hand so I could hold it but her hand is so big so I went for just holding her pointy finger. She walks a lot slower than mommy does, I wasn't tripping over my own feet.

Well that was until we reached the steps, I always hate the stairs I always fall because mommy makes me go down them so quickly. But as soon as Scarlett felt a tug on her arm she looked back and watched me as I carefully and slowly walked down them, only stumbling a couple of times. After we had reached the bottom I was guided into the car where Scarlett had done us this seatbelt across my lap, there was another bit but it didn't even reach my head so I only had the one across my lap.

She made sure I wasn't going to get hurt which I was surprised at because mommy didn't and aren't all adults the same? We arrived to the hospital which was a little scary, mommy said I should never go to a hospital but I follow Scarlett anyway and we are taken into a room with white walls and a white bed. Scarlett placed me onto the bed and I had my legs swinging off the bed as I waited for what happened next.

Finally after what I thinks was hours and hours of waiting a lady came in with a funny looking blue outfit, she started talking to Scarlett but I just ignored them both and came up with a story in my head. Imagine if I could stay with someone else, like not mommy and we could play together and I could have my bum bum changed so it didn't hurt.

Scarlett then asked if she could take my onesie off and I agreed when she had said that it wouldn't hurt if I did. Scarlett helped me out of my onesie as she undid the buttons in between my legs, she then helps me remove so that I was just in my diaper.

Scarlett's POV:

As soon as I had taken off Nova's pyjamas I couldn't help but gasp, she was littered in what I think are cigarette burns as well as bruises that covered her little body. Her diaper was also extremely large so I presume she will need a change too. I looked over the officer and nurse who are in the room, the silently nod their heads at me telling me to change her diaper too.

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