Found You

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Scarlett's POV:

After Chris Evans had come in telling us we were filming again me and Lizzie quickly joined them on set as we attempted the scene again, after a few more hours we finally got the scene done. I was so tired but overall I was hungry, so I head back to the trailer and go straight for the food.

I'm sure that those boxes have moved but I might be imagining it all, as soon as I get there I know that someone is eating from here that shouting. None of us ever eat the breadsticks as they leave such mess over our costumes as well as the party rings. I look around the room trying to figure out who or what has been eating our food, maybe the boxes will tell me.

I pull a box off the top and don't see anything so I put it back, I pull one of the ones to the side and lift it away. Only to find the most heart wrenching sight, there sat with her bottom nearly touching the floor but not quite as she was about to pick up one of the grapes that I knew had been taken was a tiny little girl, she was only dressed in her pyjamas as so had an arms able little onesie that looked a size too small. The girl couldn't be older than a year or so.

God she reminds me so much of my little girl, I had a little girl around two years ago but she was taken away from me. As soon as I had given birth she was taken away from me and I couldn't handle the pain it had caused, she was taken by a nurse for a check up. When the nurse came back she had apologised and said they had lost her. How could they lose my baby? Ever since that day I think about her all the time but she still is my baby and I will never stop looking for her. Back for her little girl cowering away from me.

She looked up at me in fear and shock as I mirrored the same expression on my face, I carefully bend down so that I'm at a similar height to her. She shuffles away from me a little before she takes all of the food she had with shaky hands and shyly pushes it towards me? I am so confused on what to do right now.

"Sweetheart are you alright? Where did you come from? My name is Scarlett, what's yours?" She just stares at me with wide eyes before shaking her head and pointing to the door on the side. I'm guessing she came in through there then but it doesn't explain where she came from.

Something seems to come into her minds as she suddenly reaches into her back pocket, I raise an eyebrow hoping it might be some thing that could tell me some kind of information about the child and why she is here. She pulls out a scrumpled piece of paper and hands the balled up piece of paper over to me.

I unraveled the paper and pulled it open, I had to smooth the paper out a little before I could read it. Just as I was about to read it lizzie comes into the room, I can't turn my attention to her as I take my glasses and slip them onto my face so I can read what is on the paper.

'Dear Scarlett, I'm writing to you because I don't want her anymore. Meet Nova or Novalie your daughter, don't try and find me as I will be long gone but this is your daughter that was taken from you two years ago.' Is written in scruffy writing.

I can't help but let my tears fall at the mention of this little girl being my Nova, it couldn't be could it? What if this is some sick joke? I turn to Lizzie and hand her the note without looking away from the small girl in front of me.

"N-nova?" I ask, which immediately catches her attention as her head snaps towards me. She tilts her head to the right as if asking how I knew her name.

"Scarlett." I look over to Lizzie with pleading eyes, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do I mean I want to believe it so bad but then again I don't want to get my hopes up in case this is some sick and twisted joke.

"Nova, is that your name?" I ask her wanting to try and get a word out of the child.

She however simply nods her head before pushing the food over to me even more, her eyes still wide as she carefully watches my hands. I continue to watch her, as I hear movement going on behind me, I don't let it distract me from the little girl.

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