Chapter 25: *jump ahead*

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Getting a little bored with this pregnancy sooooo next chapter the twins are gonna be born but here's an update on their lives;

Nicks pov:

well it's September now! His and it's been insane watching the twins growing char's belly. Colette has been so so excited to a sister and won't stop talking about the twins! it's the cutest! she tells everyone at daycare, comes home tells us how excited she is, mum. Like i said, everyone!

Char has been in pain for a while so i do what i can with massages, hot compresses, and of course meds, but nothing seems to help. He's been very teary the whole pregnancy. Foods good? cries. I leave for work? cries. i come home from work? cries. colette does something a little cute? cries. Oh and god forbid mum comes over because he's bailing at that point!

He's had a lot of cravings too. a lot of strawberries, chocolate, fries, peanut butter is a big one, and the weirdest one is sour patch kids with sour cream. There's been a lot of eating in our bedroom...that's all i'm going to say. OH and online shopping and not like the normal amount so love that (pls save my money😭). His bump has gotten very big-obviously- so some of my clothes don't fit anymore...he was very upset about this because he felt like he was "to fat" and that i wouldn't live him anymore. i felt bad so i bought him some new clothes and he loves them!

Clover has moved out completely into her partners place. we still talk quite a bit though! charlie and i were required to meet them, Alex, before they moved in and they're nice. I probably wouldn't be besties with them but they are nice!

Finally onto me. i'm doing okay. nervous and constantly worried about charlie but it's okay. Work has gotten weird with theo. I think he has a little crush on me...he likes to stare at me, linger after class-that kind of stuff. I keep a bit of a distance to show that it's nothing but i don't think he gets it.i don't know, 7th graders are fucking weird. No one else has really said anything about charlie and i so that's nice. the other teachers have been really supportive and if kids do say anything, they shut them down quickly. I feel really supported, you know? OH! i'm growing out a little beard too, i actually kind like it but i don't think that matters right now💀

But tomorrow is the c-section for the twins and i'm so excited! nervously excited! A toddler is a lot so now considering 2 babies that turn into toddlers? terrified. But charlie and i will get through it. We always do.💗

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