Chapter 15: Poor nick...

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Authors note: sorry this chapter is short gotta get back i tot the swing of things lmao💀 Hope you enjoy tho!!

Nicks POV:

It's now currently 10:30 AM. We have all slept for about 8 hours, which is way more than we thought we would get. But with that, mum is coming at 11:30!!

Charlie is panicking about the house not being clean enough but also how sick he is. Colette is having a meltdown about how she has to put pants on and not play with some stupid doll. So i'm being pulled in 20839 different directions.

Charlie is ordering me around to do the dishes and clean off the counter, while my daughter is screaming, crying, and kind of hitting me (tbh i don't been know because im thinking about 1000 other things).

I've tried to tell charlie that mum does not care. He doesn't care. I've tried to comfort and tell colette she can play after she puts clothes on and she's not having it. Charlie is downstairs and i hear him coming up from the basement, he sounds angry.


I ignore him and look at my daughter.


I ignore her and just walk out. I close her door and walk downstairs.

Charlie: "can you please just clean the counter off?? I need to vacuum."

I look at him in the eyes and turn around, bout my coat on-

Nick: "i'm taking a walk"

Charlie knows this is my best coping mechanism so he doesn't say anything. Just sighs, very aggressively.

Charlie: "whatever go walk while i do everything! like i do everyday!"

I can still hear colette screaming and kicking her door.

I just look at charlie with the tears i didn't know i had, running down my face and walk out...

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