Chapter 1 Amanda

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She wasn't happy that her company had sent her to the North Outland. Thank the goddess it was only for a month. She much preferred the city life in Midland, and as far as she knew (according to the many soaps she had watched ) outlanders tended to treat omegas differently.

In the city omegas were just like any other breed, but in the Outland they were thought of as inferior, Alphas would take them as mates and make them subservient. They were a dynamic they would use for breeding, kept in their cabins, well away from others. It was prehistoric really.

Not that she was over keen on Alphas anyway, they tended to think that just because they were physically larger and stronger, that their brains were bigger too. She knew this to be a lie because she knew many dumb Alphas, in fact she knew a few who had shit for brains and probably couldn't wipe their own arses. She had to admit not all Alphas were bad, but an awful lot of them, even in the city, weren't the brightest sparks.

As for the outlanders view on omegas, it was so archaic - take her for example, she proved size had nothing to do with brains: she was an omega, small in build, but she had soon made her way up through the ranks of this advertising company, and had many of the largest clients on her list. She may be small but she was mighty, able to go head to toe with the largest of Alphas, in the boardroom and the bedroom.

That's another thing she had heard about outlanders, they kept their omegas off the suppressants and made them go through their oestrus once a month. How could an omega get anything done, spending one week a month writhing in pain waiting for an alpha's dick? What were we in, the dark ages?

She was certainly happy with her life the way it was.
Of course she was popular with alphas as all omegas were, omegas were relatively rare and were the only breeds that could take an alpha's knot and seeing as it was still her choice if she allowed that (which she didn't) she was really just like any other breed. The alphas she had slept with had always told her she was amazing in bed, they said that no one could take all their dick like she could, and because of their size, this maybe true.

However, even if they wanted to claim her as a mate, they couldn't, it was law, unless she agreed, they couldn't just take her and she had no interest in having a mate. So she had choices just like anyone else.
She really hoped the clients she was meeting today were not so backward. They were a huge client, they were a delivery and travel company that covered the majority of the North Outland. The North Outland was vast, and most of the communities were small and impossible to get to except by plane. The terrain of the Outland was mountainous and the weather unpredictable, so companies like this were invaluable to its residents. They would deliver food and supplies to some of the most remote communities.

This company "Delta Deliveries" was not only run by a close friend of her boss, who was a joint partner there, but was one of the largest companies of this type and wanted to expand to the South Outland too. The terrain of the South Outland was very different, flat and sandy, and the communities there had very different needs in some respect, but in many aspects they were the same. She had been sent to meet with their top people in order to create an advertising plan for the expansion. She had also been told by her boss that they may also need to advise what services they should offer to the South Outland, this was why it was such an extended stay. A whole month in this gloomy, cold, miserable place.  In the summer they only had about four hours of darkness and in winter only four hours of light, who could live like that? Not fucking her thats for sure.

Her company had rented her and her team an office in the largest settlement in the North Outland, this place was as near to a city they had. Goddess it was awful. Everything looked like Midland about 70 years ago. Everywhere she looked was doom and gloom and a bit more gloom and some more doom, she really really hated it.

The Outland's Alphas Part 1 Where stories live. Discover now