𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓞𝔀𝓷 𝓜𝓮

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I stared up at the looming place I called home, seeing dads cruiser parked within the driveway in his usual spot. I didn't come home last night, knowing he noticed and knowing I can't expect Henry to always have an excuse for me. Dread filled me to the core in the worst way imaginable, a way I knew wasn't going to end any time soon. I slowly creaked the door open as not to wake him if he happen to be passed out in his usual chair, but he wasn't, a gulp escaping me I didn't even notice I did.

"So the town WHORE has decided to come home, has she....?" I flinched a little from his sudden yell towards me, his looming figure the worst thing imaginable. He inched closer and closer, until his menacing face was directly in front of mine, his evil eyes searching me for any signs he could use against me. Suddenly, I was shoved against the door behind me from the sudden harsh slap that connected with my cheek from his rough hand, tears breaming in my eyes from my head harshly connecting with the glass.

"I told you, to stay AWAY from any boy in this damn town!! But do you listen....? NO!!! You're just like your mother. A slut. A whore." He suddenly kicked me square in the stomach with all his might, his face scrunched in utter anger, a scream ignited from me full of so much pain. That's when I saw him. Patrick, standing directly behind my dad with Henry, Belch and Vic in tow. But I quickly looked away, my pain filled huffs filling the room around me like the most suffocating feeling in the world.

"Take this as a lesson. If you had been pregnant, well then I took care of it for you by kicking that thing out of you." I finally looked to my dad with a full on glare of hatred, one so true and solid he knew I meant it. He could see the anger within me, all the hate I felt for him. But he simply didn't care, turning to Henry with a glare, seeing him cower in return. He finally left to get his usual beer, picking myself up off the floor in utter pain.

"Go upstairs Les." Henry said between gritted teeth. But not directed at me. He was pissed at our dad. I listened, slowly making my way to my room with the sudden help of Patrick to lead me there while my dad wasn't looking, sitting me on my bed before shutting my door behind him. One look into Patrick's eyes and I knew he was utterly pissed. He looked as if he could kill. And he would. Trust me.

"Leslie..... he needs to die. This shit can't keep happening." He fiddled with the zippo lighter he suddenly had in his hand to try and keep himself calm, igniting the flame within it to ease him. But I slowly stood, my hand connecting with his arm as he stopped, his eyes boring into mine with so much..... concern?

"This is my life, Pat. It's not perfect. I was dealt a shitty hand of cards. But I'll get out of this place one day. I just don't know when...." He suddenly brought me into his arms, his tight embrace feeling like home, where I always belonged. But life happens. This isn't a fairy tail. He's not a charming prince who will sweep me off my feet. He's Patrick.

"I could fuck the pain out of you, ya know? Make you feel good...." I smiled a little from his whispered words in my ear, a knock coming from my door before anything could possibly happen. He huffed in complete annoyance from the mere sound, throwing the door open to see Vic standing there with an ice pack and pain pills he managed to gather from the bathroom.

"I wanted to give this to Les. I know she'll need it." Patrick seemed rather peeved from the mere sweet gesture of it all, as if something dawned on him, something he didn't like at all. Vic handed me the items once he was in the room, hugging me to him gently as not to hurt me any further. But that's when I noticed Patrick had left sometime during the process of Vic hugging me. And I knew it wasn't good.

"I'm so sorry about your dad. He's such a dick. Are you okay?" It felt nice actually talking to Vic. He's one of my best friends after all, considering I tell him and Bev everything.

"Yeah, I will be. It still hurts. But it'll subside. Thank you Vic. Really." He lingered for a brief moment, as if he wanted to do something, but thought against it, hugging me one last time before exiting my room, leaving me to my own troubling thoughts. I knew Patrick was upset because of Vic. And I was scared to find out the consequences.
The darkness surrounding me was eerily calm for a night in Derry, waiting for anything to come and snatch me as I walked amongst the sidewalk on the way to Patrick's. My thoughts jumbled, my head in pain and my heart a confused mess, I didn't know what to think or do. Patrick was like this massive conundrum, one I didn't fully understand. Why would he be so upset over Vic caring about me if he didn't love me, or even feel some type of way about me? I wanted to scream into the void, but I knew it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't ease my mind.

"If death is what you want, it's right down here!" I nearly froze in my spot from a sudden figure standing mere feet from me, cloaked in darkness away from any street light that illuminated my path.

"And if you're down here, you'll float too! Belle is waiting for you. She said so herself! Don't you want your family back....? Don't you?" My mothers distorted face came into full view as it drew closer, inching my way backwards until I nearly tripped over myself trying to get away. It was taunting me. I couldn't show fear.....

"You won't get what you want! You won't! Because I won't allow it...." It simply cackled into the night sky as if to make me slowly uneasy, drive me mad.

"Your friends are as good as dead. So is he.... You can't save anyone. Youuuu, won't save them." But it vanished with the words lingering around me in utter horror, running until I couldn't run anymore, my sobs coming on strong as I fell to my knees in the Hockstetter's front yard. Somehow, I managed to make it here without even noticing. Like my feet just led me here as if I belonged here.

"Leslie....? Honey what's wrong?!" The sudden voice of Mrs. Hockstetter was like a beacon of light in a dark tunnel, one I could barely escape from anymore. Pain was slowly subsiding in my stomach and head, thanks to the pain relief I was able to take earlier. She took one look at me and nearly panicked from the mere sight of me, easing me into the house. But just as we passed the threshold, Patrick's face came into view, and he knew. He saw the terror in my eyes. Not that I'm afraid of that thing. But because I was terrified what it said would come true. He felt like utter shit for leaving me, I could tell. But unanswered questions lingered in my mind, knowing I needed the answers from him. Somehow, someway.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now