Chapter Twenty - Losing Control.

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An Hour Later...
Kevin Stoker...

Eve was without a doubt powerful, we had known that from the spike in magical energy the night she came into her power. I had felt it in her from the moment I first laid eyes on her but the more I was around, the more time I spent talking with her – it was becoming more and more obvious that she was maybe the most powerful being I have ever met.

More powerful than Lucian.

More powerful than Lilith.

We just had to build her confidence and keep her training then she would soon be able to control it all on demand. As opposed to right now where it seemed only to come when her emotions spiked.

My attraction to her wasn't just on the physical side either. Sitting with her for the past hour, just the two of us talking and going back and forth, it was clear that she was articulate. And she had a strong moral compass, which would aid her well, but it went against every little thing that we knew about Demi-Gods.

For supe-beings there wasn't much that we were scared of but from a young age we were led to believe that Demi-Gods were sort of boogey-man. Nightmares that many young Supes were absolutely paralyzingly terrified of. All of that power was considered an abomination and not one being could be essentially good with all that raw power at their finger-tips.

I don't quite know if Eve was an anomaly or if all Demi-Gods were this way, but she was smart and articulate, compassionate, and empathetic, kind, and thoughtful, respectful, and accepting. I found myself wondering if all of that was maybe her super-power. Her strongest gift.

Being that she had no idea this world even existed a week ago, she had taken to it like a duck to water. There was no sign of her trying to find some rational explanation for all that she had seen, she just accepted and was fighting hard to get herself up to date with the other students in her peer group. It was truly impressive. And I was sinking just a little further under her spell. I knew that this was the bond solidifying between us – it would only grow stronger and deepen with every shared moment we experienced.

"Now what I want you to do is close your eyes and try to empty your mind if all thoughts bar one memory. It can be any memory that you like, but try to fully immerse yourself into it – remember the weather, the smells, the way things felt to touch, the sounds of the things around you, can you do that for me?" I asked her and she looked at me like she wanted to cry, and my concern sparked instantly, "what's wrong?"

"I uh-I don't have many good memories-" she admitted, her eyes casting down to the floor as if she felt shame – the kind of shame that I didn't have to be a mind reader to sense.

"Look at me, мое сердце?" I pressed on, reverting back to my native Russian.

"What is that? What does that mean?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Мое сердце means, my heart!" I told her and the blush blasted her cheeks instantly. My soul rejoiced at the sight – she was always beautiful but with a healthy glow staining her cheeks she was God's-be-damned radiant.

"It's a beautiful language-"

"I think so too," I offered a smile which she returned almost shyly, and I find myself cursing because I haven't put much thought into how this must all be feeling for her.

Going from a regular human life to life here at the academy and learning about fated-mates and supernatural bonds and then hearing that she has more than one fated-love. It was a lot for even the most rational brain, but she was also still pretty young so with all the hormones added into the mix; I should have been more alert to her mental reaction to all of this.

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