Chapter Nine - Stranger in this Town.

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The Following Morning...
Eve Chambers...

Sage and I spent almost the entire night talking and getting to know one another. Never having had a female friend before, at least not one I was as close as I knew that Sage and I would be, it felt good. I truly, for the first time in my life felt a sense of belonging that took me completely by surprise.

The dorm was unlike anything that I ever envisioned if I am being honest with myself. Our room was in one of the turret-like spheres which ensured that we had a domed-roof which was mostly made of beautiful stained glass that held a beautiful purple colour which worked in contrast to the black frame-work and detailed inlays. My bed was positioned directly under these windows so when I lay in bed, I could stare up at the twinkling stars which Sage and I did last night as we chatted. The iron headboard was wrapped with little purple fairy-lights and fake little vines with violets positioned next to the lights which made them look even more enchanting. The room's fixtures and fittings were the deepest black that I had ever seen, and I couldn't figure out if it were actually an enhancement of the purples or if it were magically enhanced. Either way it worked to create a true Gothic masterpiece. It was warm and inviting – a safe haven away from everything and everyone. I can already imagine spending all my spare time there.

The rest of the dorm-house was decorated in similar shades of purple and black. The little dining area next to the kitchen where I am currently sitting enjoying breakfast which was the only thing the small kitchen was designed to provide was again a beautiful mauve-like colour with the same black fixtures and fittings. The wrought iron table that I was sitting at was large enough to fit the three other people sitting with me.

Sage. Jensen and Nathan – the three who had come into the diner the other day.

Nathan was clearly older than us by a couple years and I felt my heart fluttering at just how gorgeous he was up close. For as intense as my reaction to Kevin had been the night before, my reaction to Nathan was as intense – the messy spike of his mud-brown hair was just the right side of effortlessly sexy. A strong jawline that I felt my gaze constantly returning too. Midnight-dark eyes that twinkled in the low lighting as he had no trouble holding eye-contact when talking to me which to me might be one of the most attractive things about him. The light tracing of facial hair was perfectly manicured and added a slight edge to his handsome looks.

", she asked me to tutor you-"

"Sorry, what?" I snapped back into the moment from my mental musings.

I was trying so hard to take everything in and for the most part I was managing to control myself but there was a part of me that was worried about my dad.

Was he ok alone?

Was he telling the truth about the money?

Would he go to my mom's apartment if he couldn't keep up with the rent at our place?

Was he managing to make himself some food?

I was always the one who ensured that he ate. I was the one who took care of him, and I felt guilty for just agreeing to come here without so much as a second thought. I caught the concerned furrow of Nathan's brow as he watched me closely. I need to find a way to control my thoughts because I am beginning to believe that mind-reading really is a thing here.

"Nyx came to see me last night after dropping you off," Nathan smiled warmly at me and it once again made my heart flutter desperately in my chest, "since I am a T.A she asked me to tutor you,"


"You wound me Eve, is it such a hardship spending time with me?" He winked to let me know he was kidding, and I couldn't have stopped the smile even if I wanted to.

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