Chapter 07 - Toto, we're not in Kansas Anymore.

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Eve Chambers...

Everything feels so surreal.

My dad telling me that I am the daughter of a Norse-Goddess seems almost like it happened in a dream because how can it be true?

How can it be real?

How are God's and Goddesses even real?

I don't even believe in the regular God, let alone a multitude of ones. And now I am being expected to not only believe but to believe that I am descended from the Goddess of love and fertility – it's too much. Yes, Freyja is the Goddess of more than those two things but those are the two that appeal to me and if I have to wrap my head around this then I am going to do it in my own way. So, right now, those two things seem like the safest things to focus on.

Has my dad finally lost the plot?

Can I really put my faith into what he is saying?

What happens when the people he called show up?

What if it's some sort of mental-health intervention?

What if he called some secret government agency?

Panic and paranoia clash inside of me in ways that I am terrified of because nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I stare at my phone in my hands, tempted to call Noah and tell him to just come here and get me, but I know deep down that isn't the answer. I have to face this. I have to put my faith in my dad.

Regardless of how shitty of a parent he has been lately, he still beat the crap out of Graham when he heard what his so-called best friend tried to do to me. To be perfectly honest that was more than I had ever expected.

The slam of the front door made me almost jump out of my skin. As the rest of the apartment lays silent and dormant, as if it is just listening and waiting for the drama to start up again. Can I just hide under my duvet and ignore the world? The thought is appealing, I'm not going to lie about that.

"Evie?" My dad called from the front room.


"Can you please come here? There are some people that you need to meet!" It has been such a long time since I have heard my dad sounding so in control of himself, and I had missed that far more than I even realised.

"Sure!" Taking a deep breath, my heart skittering in my chest, I step into the hallway and take the first few steps towards the front room. My breath is erratic in a way that is unfamiliar to me, and I swear my heart has relocated to my head because I can hear it beating in my ears. However, all of that, pales in comparison to the sudden tugging on my soul, I don't even know how I know that is what it is, but it's like my whole being is pulling me faster towards the room where the unknown is waiting for me. As if it feels like there is something there that will soothe me.

"Come to me Eve!" The voice is back and honestly, it's sounding more frantic than I have heard it.

Suddenly I feel completely overwhelmed by everything that is happening here.

My new powers.

My dad's story about my origin.

Meeting new people.

Hearing the voice in my head.

The ending of my relationship to a man I truly believed I was in love with.

The near-attack from a man I should have been able to trust.

Is it really any wonder that I am bordering on a complete fucking meltdown? My entire body is shaking as I try in desperate vain to get myself under some sort of control. If my dad has sold me down the river, I need to be alert and, on my A-game because I am not going down without a fight. One deep breath and I pushed my way into the front room, and I swear to the Heavens that my knees nearly buckle right out from under me.

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