Chapter Three - Hear me Now!

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The Following Morning...
Eve Chambers...

laws like talons. Wings that look enlarged Bat-wings all velvet-like flesh pulled taut over pencil-thin bones. Chains like those used on large tyres for winter safety. Blue dancing flames. Blood. Fangs like those used in Vampire movies in Hollywood. A throne not unlike that one used in Game of thrones. Darkness like an empty abyss. Ruby red eyes glittering like the most beautiful gem-stone dancing with malice. Black horns like those found on a ram. Lava coloured veins against beautiful unblemished flesh as if molten lava wanted to rip the marble-esque flesh apart. The putrid scent of sulphur like rotten eggs. The alluring baritone of the voice in my head lulled me into a false sense of security. My mind is trying to piece together my dream from last night as I lay in my bed at home.

After taking advantage of all the time I had at the motel yesterday, I had reluctantly returned home, intent on locking myself away in my bedroom and doing some research on the old second-hand laptop that I purchased over a year ago now.

However, nothing I typed into the search engine could be taken as serious because all it did was direct me to a novel-series of books about supernatural beings and romance with monsters. I ended up more frustrated than I had been when I first started.

How am I meant to get the answers I need?

Thankfully, I haven't had any more episodes of lightning zapping from my fingers and no more instances of my veins lighting up like a fucking lighthouse trying to guide sailors safely to port. In-fact, I am beginning to think that maybe I imagined it all.

It would be a rational response to what Graham had demanded of me. Had I detached from my own mind as he took what he wanted from me? Now, that is something that I 'have' heard of – victims of sexual assault find ways to detach from the act in a desperate bid for self-preservation.

Is it really possible that is what I did?

I think I would be more inclined to believe that form of thinking if I wasn't dreaming of things that belong on monster bodies and the voice that keeps whispering, 'come to me-' it all just feels too real. And I am terrified. I am terrified that it means I am a monster too.

I mean, how cool would it be if it was a Buffy type of deal? I was created to fight the forces of darkness with enhanced strength but last I checked this isn't Hollywood and I have no added benefit of CGI. Nor do I have the advantage of someone writing my words and my actions for me that will always inevitably end with me saving the day.

Laughing at my own ridiculousness, I get myself out of bed and set about starting my day. A quick shower, get dressed and for a change I put my make-up on, which is not usually something that I do for work, but I am aware of how tired I look, and tips do not happen when you look like something that needs to be scraped up from the side of the road. Instead of tying my hair back as I usually do for work, I decided to leave it down and styled around my face hopefully drawing attention away from the stress that I can see etched into my features.

By the time I feel presentable, I have just enough time to have a mug of coffee. The small apartment is silent save for the snoring coming from my dad's room and when I walk into the living room, I sigh heavily to find the coffee table littered with beer bottles and an over-flowing ashtray. Forgoing my morning caffeine fix, I make quick work of cleaning up the worst of the mess to ensure everything is cleaned and tidied up. I love my dad, but he drives me crazy sometimes with this shit. I am his daughter not his maid but most days that is what I feel like – a glorified maid who doesn't even get paid.

By the time I make it to work, my mood is sour, and the diner is the very last place that I want to be. Unfortunately, after my motel stay, I have to make up that money I lost. So, I plaster a smile on my face and dump my bag and jacket in the break room out back. Meeting Lauren in the diner floor, she smiles but I can see the concern on her face, "you look like Hell!"

Soul to Soulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें