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Hi guys I hope all are doing good and have a beautiful days.. hmm.. i know there won't be beautiful days but at least normal peaceful days without any blasts..

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Advaith: you are my brother"s wife..

Archana: it's not my choice..

Advaith: whatever archana..she was my wife, she is my wife and she will be my wife.. out of all... you shouldn't ask this question.. you are the person who knows how much i crave for her..

Archana: if you love her that much.. then why you had one night stands..ha..

Advaith: i..

Archana: you are needy right.. you can't take that she left you.. so you used sex as a stress reliever..

Advaith: enough Archana..

he shouted..

Author's Pov,

Archana flinched in her place..

Advaith: you better never open your mouth infront of me again..

tears flowed from Archana's eyes..

Advaith: eat

she ate silently....

after eating breakfast he went to his room pragna is still sleeping..

Advaith sat beside her.. and tried to remove duvet from her body... she slightly moaned..  making advaith chuckle..

he removed duvet from her.. she is looking so calm... the morning brightness making her skin shine like diamond.. 

he lowered the duvet more.. her collarbones are clearly visible to him.. her shirt is slipped down from her left shoulder giving him the view of his night doings.. he touched the red marks which made her slightly uncomfortable..

she slowly opened her eyes.. her whole body feeling so heavy and sore... As she adjusted to the light..her eyes widened seeing him leaning on bed beside her in his formals.. she immediately  snatched the edge of duvet from his hands and covered her body which is visible to him.. he raised his eyebrow..

she turned her head to other side... seeing him beside her she is feeling so shy..and nervous. But also scared.. last night he showed her.. how a man behaves with his woman.. who ignored him  for 7 years..

He: I am going to office.. i told maid to cook something. And painkillers are just beside you..if you feel more pain just take one.

although she is a little upset of him going to office.. she felt shy listening his last words.. she looked at him and said

She: I..i am ok..

He: oh.. then why don't we go for another round now.

he asked while smirking at her..

her eyes are almost popping out of surprise.. he smiled and kissed her cheek and walked out of room.. while chuckling..

she is looking at his retreating figure with surprise..

she slowly got down from bed.. her warm sore legs touched cold floor.. a shiver ran through her body.. she found his new shirt on her body.. 

Pragna's Pov,

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