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Hi guys I hope all are doing good... 

i think last chapter made you impatient..

ok let's know what actually happened


Authors Pov,

A beautiful lady sitting in a prestigious UNICEF meeting hall regarding Technology and development.. she is representing the USA NASA... she is one of the member of hacking team in NASA... also one of the best hacker..

she is known as black swan  in the team... 

today she is here to deliver a short speech regarding cyber security.. along with USA telecom minister..

Everyone in the meeting are geniuses in their field.. 

an old man gave speech and sat down after receiving applause..


A man: we request Ms. Pragna Chowdhury who is one of the team member in NASA hacker team also known as black swan according to her team members to make us aware of cyber security.

the lady in her late 20's got up.. her hair neatly done into a ponytail... she is walking confidently with a small smile which is not reaching her eyes... she took the stage.. all the lights turned off only the screen and a focus light on her are on which is making her look more intimidating.. she hold a pointer in her hand.. she introduced herself and started to explain the unknown things to everyone.. atlast she thanked everyone... there is pin drop silence.. all lights on.. she removed her glasses suddenly a loud applause echoed in the hall..

the things she explained are beyond everyone's expectation and the people who know technology in depths are really impressed.. after all the appreciation... one of the member asked her a doubt..

but instead of screen.. now she is selecting something on virtual computer... the 3d objects flowed infront of everyone.. this is the upcoming technology.. which she explained how we can touch the technology objects.

all are very impressed..

after giving speech she met some people and left to her house.. 

when she entered the lift she pressed 35th number.. she unlocked the door with finger print.. as she entered..

she: cloud on the lights and heater.

Cloud: sure. anything

the lights got on and geyser got on in washroom

She: play a soothing song.

cloud started to play the song.. 

pragna went to kitchen to make something... she also pressed the button of a round ai cleaner..

without making any sound the device started to clean whole apartment..

after preparing food she went to take shower.. 

she stand infront of the shower.. the only thing which doesn't change all these years are her long black hair..

she did everything to keep her hair long even after 8 years her hair still looking beautiful.. although she has some bags under her eyes.. they are not making her that much ugly.. she just needs some beauty care..

after having relaxing bath she put the lotion and came to kitchen to eat the food.. 

She: cloud stop playing songs.. on the TV

Cloud: sure

using voice recognizer she changed the channels.. 

while watching she got a call from her father..

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