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Pragna's pov,

I enterd my granny's house.. I am welcomed by delicious food smell.. my mouth watered...

I ran towards kitchen.. 

I saw my granny frying gulabjamoon..

My eyes widened...

My granny turned back.. may be felt my presence...

I smiled widely looking at her..

She also smiled..

Granny: how are you chinni.. how is your work.. you lost so much wait..

She is checking me from top to bottom.. whether I lost wait or not.

I chuckled..

I: granny.  I am fine..and I didn't lose any weight.. and I recently got my first salary..

Granny: oh wow my grand daughter is so talented..

I smiled..

Granny turned and removed the fried gulabhamoon.. and put them in sugar syrup..

Granny: are you hungry..

I: did I say no to any of your dishes..

She laughed..

After talking for some time... we both sat in living room.. I sat beside granny with fried bajjies..

I: granny can I ask you something..

Granny: I know what you are going to ask...

I: I know.. why you want to share the property..

Granny: I don't want to take any burden of attending meetings.. signing papers.. I want to live a peaceful life... and akshara is already handling business well and.. you are also 20.. so I  thought to share the property.. and I want to share the property before your marriage..

I smiled... but suddenly guilt occupied my heart..

I: granny I want to tell you something.. please don't be too shocked.. although it is shocking news..

She is looking at me confusingly..

I: granny actually dad received some warnings notes about me..

Granny: warning notes..

I: hmm.. and someone tried to attack me.. dad got panicked and got minor heart ache.. he wanted me to get married to a powerful person... because I told dad that I Don't have any plans after

Granny: so that's the reason you want to go abroad..

I gulped the lump in my throat..

I: granny actually. Hmm.. you know Arora's right..

Granny nodded..

I: their second son.. hmm younger son.. Mr. Advaith Arora asked dad for my hand..

Granny: so...

I: please don't be tensed.. dad just want to protect he..

Granny: don't tell me..

I: sorry granny.. it's just a register marriage.. no one even know where I am living now.. they kept everything confidential...

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