part 36

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Jk: and soon the whole colony used to turn into patients of eye virus  than the person who didn't made any eye contact wins the game

Namjoon: that means we have to play this drama in real life as it says till the last one of us drops (feeling terrified fear was clearly visible in thier eyes)

Jin: that means we have to play this till everyone one of us die or some one among us save all of us (gulped)

Namjoon: what do we do ?? (Panicking)

Jimin: we will try to not make eye contact or what (obvious) (sacred to death)

Jk: there must be some more factors that we don't know about this e-va the deadly play ....

Hobi: yeah there must be...... but ,We have to work according to the information we have.. as we don't have any other option than to follow 🤷🏻

Yoongi: yeah you are right ... We must follow (looked down already feeling down )

Tae: let's go eat lunch before time changes (tells everyone )

Yoongi , jimin , jin : yeah yeah

They took their blocks which were present on the book and than

They all got up , ate their lunch as They don't want to die empty stomach (lol)

Now tae, jk and hobi are at fields and yoongi have went to look at kingdom's dance studio as They are going to update it a little

Jimin: namjoon hyung (namjoon is also there because he is the finance manager in the kingdom )

Nj: yes jimin (looked at Jimin)

Jimin: hyung umm what do you think If  we put a very huge mirror this side and in this wall we can do some wooden work what you say (said while giving suggestions) 

Yoongi: jimin you know right that you have to tell the designer about your wishes , so you just tell him other than that the designer will manage (telling jimin to let designer do his work )

Jimin: ok hyung ....(looked down and pout 's A little )

Other side , with jk, tae, hobi

Jungkook and hobi are training students

Suddenly a student fainted .....

Trainees: sir sir ??

Jungkook: yes ? ... Ohhhh get aside .. , what happen to him ??

Trainees : we don't know sir???

Jk: Oh ohk ... Give me some water

A trainee passed him a water bottle

Jungkook sprinkled some water on his face

Jk: ohh are you fine (jungkook looked at him)

Student : yes sir (said while rubbing his eyes ) , but sir I don't know why my eyes are etching (said while making eye contact with jungkook )

Jungkook cried in horror as he saw his red bloody eyes looking so horrible

Jungkook stood up and was standing stiff (his body become stiff in horror )

Trainees to that student : ohh my.... how your eyes turned so red (said while looking at his eyes )

After 10 sec of silence

Jungkook: (shouted) “E-VA " DON'T LOOK IN THE EYES OF ANYONE

Tae and hobi looked at jungkook but jungkook was standing with his eyes closed .....

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