part 11

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Tae and jungkook were hiding under  king's bed and a guard come and looked around
Guard was a bit suspicious so he looked around one more time that's when another guard said

Guard2 : what are you doing there come here you are worrying for nothing

Guard1 : yeah yeah coming
And then he went out

After some minutes
Jk: told you he would come (je said signing in relief)

Tae: yeah whatever (he shrugged his shoulder)

Tae and jk started to find that silver colour thing and a bronze box as it was written on the blank magical page

It's already been 30 min since they were finding that thing that's  when jungkook looked towards bible he went there and saw that there was a Wooden underneath where the bible was placed and when he picked the bible up there was a square shape mark and he got confused but his mind was telling him that it  relates to the thing which he was finding because the lining of that square was of silver coloured cloth

Jungkook tried to pull it but Nothing was happening , so he thought to press it inside

When he did and applied force with its reflax action a box covered with silver cloth  pumped infront of him

Jk: yes (tae looked at him ) (jk looked at him and said yeah found it

He took the box in his hands and pressed the wooden place again to get it back how it was and placed the bible back they corrected everything waited for noise from outside 

On the other side jin was continuously following the queen as it was already 2:00 pm and he was asking the queen to go to her room as she was tired

But the queen wasn't  ready and said she will only go when the program will be done but jin is jin he continued his pleadings and finally queen got ready as king said her to go back because dance competition will take more time than expected

They were walking towards king's room and when they were near and jin was holding the used oil jar which was a waste and jin was going to throw it but he insisted queen that he will leave her to the room and will go from there as his route and Queen's route was same so she didn't said anything

Now they were very near to king's  room and he decided to throw it a little away from room and visible for guards to notice

That's  when  he acted as if his leg got twisted and intensionaly spill the oil all over the floor and queen didn't  noticed the oil and walked over it and she slipped very hard but before her head hit the hard rock side of the pillar jin somehow saved her from that but that fall gave her a nice pain on back when all the guards saw that thier queen fell down they all ran towards her

But they didn't noticed that there was oil all over so they all also slipped over and fell down on the floor with queen and jin

Inside king's room they heard the shouts and then they got to know that guards have left

Jk: lets go I will go first and we will exit while bowing down and from the right side ok

Tae: hmm ok

As planned jungkook peeked through the curtains and saw that jin has already done his work now it's  time for them to leave (jungkook was very sad to make his mother fall but they doesn't had any option )

When a guard was about to look behind jin shouted loudly

And jungkook come out signaled tae to come out as well they both left silently

Than after wards queen and all the other  guards were taken to the doctor

Doctor said nothing serious its just the impact of falling nothing serious she will be fine till tomorrow

Jin: I am really sorry king and queen I am really sorry I don't know how it happened,  h .. H how my leg got twisted I am so sorry

Queen: don't  be sorry jin its ok and I am very thank ful to you that when I was falling you were in pain but still choose to save my head from hitting pillar rock your hand must have get injured (she said with generosity in her voice)

Jin : no not much queen I am so great full to get a queen and king like you both .... I really respect you I am really thank full that you forgave me and again I am really really sorry (guilty) (he bowed in guilt ) (feeling genuinely sorry )

Jin did everything as planned even making queen fall was included in plan (made by her only son )

Jungkook and taehyung made thier way toward's tae's room and they kept the Box at the safest place they got outside of room and locked it nicely and reached to the king and Queen's room and they were shocked to see that the seen was repeating in front of thier eyes but They didn't  come out Jungkook went towards queen

Jungkook : your highness are you ok (worried) (he was hella worried for his mother he just hope that Nothing is serious he blaming himself for all of this )

Jin: tae what are you doing here aren't   you supposed to be inside (angry) (he whispered in tae's ear when he tried to help him )

Tae: don't worry hyung scene is repeating  (he said calming Jin 's anger down )

Jin: ohh and jin went with the flow

after some minutes king come there running and looked at his wife and son

King: son what happened here (asked to jungkook)

Jk: umm I don't know king I was late (he bowed to show respect)

Tae looked at jk that why is he calling you son

That's  when yoongi came running towards king

Yg: king king (shouts)

King: what happened (he asked worried )

Yoongi : king we are attacked by yuna kingdom (he said panick in his voice )

Then realization hit Jungkook that time changed already that is why scene repeating, it was all what happened  that day queen fell down and then king come running like that day and yoongi scream in same tone jungkook giving same answer that I don't  know I was late and queen and him siting in same position

King : let's  go son ( to yoongi and jungkook)

Tae: looked at both now he got that They have been working here from so long king knows them and treats them like his own son and queen as well)

When They got down including tae

Hobi came running towards king and said king we are attacked

King : I know son lets go hope so that we win (he said worried)

They ran towards the battle field including tae

Jungkook looked at tae and said tae go back to your room

But he is also kim taehyung and he doesn't  listen to anyone except himself (he is a good fighter He will fight for sure )

They started fighting enemies the enemies they were fighting for more than an hour now tae looked towards jungkook and he was shocked to see that 20 people were around jungkook making a circle and it will be very tough for Jungkook to kill all of them so he went towards him

Taehyung entered the circle by killing one person and they both fought with them very cleverly they were fighting when they heard someone's  shout


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FLUCTUATING TIME (TAEKOOK) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora