part 1

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DAD: jungkook kook how are you my son where are you what is happening I cant find you (thud)

There was a great shake and cupboard fell on  jungkook's dad's head started bleeding amd he lost his consciousness

Mom: HONEY ....(shouts) (after seeing jungkook's father ) jivon (jungkook's father) please get up please (got a panick attack and got unconscious)

On the other side
Jungkook : (looks at clock switching time and running back and forth got a bit scared)

Then suddenly everything went back to normal just like before

Jungkook was sitting on the edge of his king size bed lost in his thoughts

?: jungkook what happen

Jungkook(jk) : n.. n.. Nothing hmm nothing yoongi

?: where were you lost btw ?

Jk: nowhere hobi ahm don't worry (he said regaining his conscious back)

Hobi : ok but look at that how yoongi is spinning the  foot ball like a pro.(he said pointing at yoongi who was spining football on his finger)

Yoongi(yg): yah hobi why don't you learn it will be very useful you know (he smirked at him)

Hobi: how ahhhh don't tell me ( he said raising his eye brow up Thinking something deep with a teasing and playful smirk dancing on his lips)

Yg : or what you can impress girls (winks) what say Jungkook (he teased hobi)

Jk: ha ha ha yoongi hyung can't you think of anything else.( he said while laughing )

Hobi: han why will jungkook need to learn this trick when he can flatter any girl without even trying right our charming prince or we say chief or trainers ( he teased)

Jk: It's nothing like that hyung (he laughed)

Yg: ok by then, prince we have tons  of works to complete  so we are leaving (he said playfully)

Jungkook suddenly found it odd (like he have already heard it before)

Yg: what happen are you sad that we are leaving (laughing)

Jk: no hyung, but have you said this  sentence  before too.?? ( he questioned with confusion written on his face)

Yg: which line ?? ( Confused as well)

Jk: umm leave it will see you again bye (he shrugged his shoulderl

Yg : never mind bye ( he also shrugged his shoulder )

Hobi : bye ( he waved his hand at jungkook)

Jk: umm lets go to mom ,dad and see what they are doing
he was about to take a step outside of door the before he could then the same scene with yoongi and hobi repeat

And then again but this time he stoped them and said take me with you

Yoongi : where you want us to take you

Jk: outside the palace or where ( he said unsure )

Hobi: but jungkook that's not good (he said concerned )

Jk: hobi hyung (glaring)

They agreed to take him and they all stepped outside of jungkook's room
Jungkook took a deep breath (but wasn't completly sure about what was happening then he decided to wait a little) and continued walking now they stepped out side of palace now Jungkook was relaxed

They were just roaming around in there city area and they decided to go inside a very beautiful restaurant which looks quit comfy there they meet the owner kim seok jin(jin) and his personal manager kim namjoon (nj)

When nj (namjoon) got to know that prince is inside their restaurant he went there running and welcomed them with greetings and then he called jin to welcome the prince as well
They both greeted them and took their order ( jin and namjoon knows prince that jungkook is prince because they have served some time in palace for jungkook's birthday )

Afterwards their order was served Jungkook yoongi and hobi ate their food played the bill they were about to leave and then

Again there was time for time fluctuations lets see what happens afterwards ...

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