part 32

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Jimin was looking at them lovingly

Jimin: I never knew you care for him this much (looked at tae )

Tae: umm yeah (nervous ) (he himself wasn't getting It, than how can he answer jimin) .........

At 5:00 pm , in jk's room

They all were sitting inside jk's room which was quit spacious to fit everyone

Jimin Yoongi and Namjoon sitting on a sofa , jin on the single side sofa ,tae jungkook and hobi are sitting on bed

They were talking random things

Jungkook was talking to others while tae looked at jk

Tae: ashhh such a messy eater you are (said while cleaning side of his mouth with his thumb and scrunching  his nose)

Jk: what is your problem ... Why are behind my eating habits  (looked at tae ??)

Tae: you are so disgusting (making a face like he is about to vomit)

Jk: don't do this you look like a shit (making faces)

Tae: I was just caring for you (rolling his eyes)

Jk: who asked for your care (??)

Tae: you but  how dare you , I was just caring for you and look at you , you ungreatful brat (shouting a little )

Namjoon: don't shout kidos  , it's not a park

Jin: yeah jungkook go and take out the book , we should finish this time change as soon as possible

Time , changes are happening on daily bases some times time changes to different thing some times get slow , some times fast , some times time stops)

Jimin: yeah I am so tired of it , some times I have to make children learn the same dance all from the start just because of this fucking  time change (pouts a little)

Yoongi: ok ok we got it , now stop pouting (rolled his eyes)

Jimin: what yoongi hyung now  I can't  even pout (rolling his eyes)

Hobi: now you two stop we have many more thing to decide which is very much more important than his eating habit (pointing at jungkook ) and his pout (pointing at jimin)

Jk&jimin:whatever (rolled their eyes)

Jin: jungkook go get the book here

Jk: ahh ohk (got up tiredly moving  towards his cupboard) 

Jungkook came back and placed the book in between them  (now they  All are  sitting in a circle on the bed )

Hobi: open it (curious )

Namjoon: finally we are going to know how to finish this whole (happy)

Jungkook : (turns the page ) there was still the same photo which  book showed tae and kook last time.

Tae: really it is still here (amazed)

Jimin: have you already seen it ??

Jk: umm umm yeah we have (smiled a little)

Jin: and you didn't even mentioned it when we asked you have you read the book

Jk: we didn't it just , this Book started flying afd showed this picture it's self (said while rubbing his nape )

Jimin : tell us in detail ?

They told them about everything and tae's kidnapping in this picture as well

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