part 14

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Jk: are you all ready (he asked with excitement in his voice with a slight hint of nervousness in his voice )

Everyone : yessssss let's go

Its 7:50 they reached infront of their vehicle (bullock card)

Everyone are Now setting there luggage on the vehicle (they were not inside palace anymore ) they are a little far from palace so one doubts that where are they going )

Now they were taking there seats it will be a long journey for them

And their journey started

Its been 1:15  hour already that they are travling and now they are near tae's house

At  10:00am they reached tae's house

Tae: knock knock

Tae's mom opened the door

Tae'smom(tm) : tae (happy)

They hug each other

Tae: lets let's get inside mma ( he said happily after seeing his mom after so long )

Tae's mom : come come (he said to others)

They all entered inside

Tae's mom: you should have told me that you and your friends are coming I would have made something

Everyone except tae: It's ok aunty

Tae's mom : introduce me to them

Tae: umm yeah lets let's start with him this is jungkook this is yoongi this is hobi they are also trainee like me he is jin he is cooks in palace, he is Namjoon a manager  , he is jimin he is a dance  teacher

Tae's mom: how you became friends with them

Tae: umm actually I and hobi hyung became friends than yoongi hyung and jungkook were his friends so they became my friends

Jungkook was friend with Jin hyung  amd Jin hyung  was friend with namjoon hyung and jimin

Tae's mom: ohh just It's that ok you guys wait here I am coming

Jin: umm aunty no need for formalities

Tae's mom: son you all are here for first time I won't let you all go like this only

Jin : ok than let me help you (he said convincing her )

Tae's mom : no son no need umm actually everything is prepared already don't worry I will make it quickly 

Tae: jin hyung you sit I will help her (he said patting Jin 's shoulder)

After some time tae and Tae's mom come outside with food

They all ate and Tae's mother gave them some fruits and bid their  good byes

They are now outside of house  and Tae's mother went inside after bidding her bye
And they turned around to leave..

That's  When everything started shaking

Earth was shaking inside

Tae: MOM (going towards house )

But before he could run jungkook held his hands

Jk: where are you going (holding onto his hands )

Tae: my mom (crying) ( he was feeling so anxious his heart was beating rapidly seeing his house cracking a bit he was so worried tears were rolling down his eyes )

Jk: tae It's  time change that is why she didn't come out till Now( he said with worry filled voice seeing tae's condition it isn't easy to see you house falling and on top of that your mother is inside )

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