Chapter 12

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Angara twisting and flipping a knife between her fingers as she sat at one of the many tables of the galley in restrained fury not paying attention to what went on around her. All day she's dealt with crew members approaching to confirm what they heard about her duel with Azula to be true and a few taunting her for losing a fight with a primitive teenager, those she dealt with by delivering bloody noses or black eyes.

"YES SCORE!" Sev cheered as he watched a game on one of the many holo screens, the shout snapped Angara out of her stupor who promptly stabbed the table on pure instinct.

Chani sitting next to her jumped at the knife, "Um... Angara. I don't think the table is trying to hurt you."

Angara scowled and snarled at the girl as she pulled the blade free, splintering the wood of the table.

"Gara kash ka Azula torari." Gax whispered to his sister.

"I get that she's mad at her but can't she find a healthier way of dealing with it that doesn't involve sharp objects."

"That's just how she process's stuff, breaks things until she's calm." Sev said never taking his eyes off the screen.

"I do not do that!" Angara said while absent mindedly stabbing the table again, "Okay, maybe I do that a little, but can you blame me? What that little brat did to me is spreading all around the station like wildfire. She's tanking my rep!"

Sev finally managed to peel his eyes away from the screen, "Geez you're still on that? Relax Angara, it's happy hour and your attitude right now is sapping away all my happy."

"I agree." Chani said, "All of this negativity you're bottling up is making your inner thalm radiate so much red which isn't good for your skin at all."

Angara narrowed her eyes at Chani, "You saying I have bad skin?"

Chani didn't answer immediately, "Well... uh..."

"Gax! Your sister's trash talking my skin! You just gonna let that slide?"

Gax gave her a plain look and calmly said, "Gesh." which translated to yes and was one of the very few words from him she understood.

"I just think that maybe you should find a positive outlet for your anger." Chani said diplomatically.

A somewhat inebriated alien stepped up with slurred speech and breath reeking of alcohol, "Hey Angara! I heard you got yer ass kicked by some kid! I... I thought you were supposed to be tough or something!"

Angara grabbed him by the bangs of his long hair and effortlessly slammed his face against the table and watched as he crumbled to the floor.

"That tough enough for you!?" Angara scowled at her and spoke rudely as a few other members of the crew collected the injured drunk, "What are you my therapist? If I want your sappy advice I'll ask for it, Chani."

As always any attempt Chani made towards being friendly to Angara ended with hostility, she doesn't even know why she bothers. Chani always finds joy in spending time with her brother and Sev however she would often find Angara not too far behind and would invite herself into their company which Chani found to be less than pleasant as the Ke'Kuvon bounty hunter was always rude, often spoke about doing violent things to people she disliked and made no attempt towards empathy to anyone, especially Chani.

Gax tossed some nuts from a bowl at her and shouted with annoyance at her.

"Alright! Fine, sorry! I didn't mean anything by it."

Gax would often intervene if Angara's words became too harsh as one of the few things that made Gax angry was Chani being picked on.

Angara went back to flipping her knife and drank from her glass looking at it with dissatisfaction deciding she needed something stronger.

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