Chapter 3

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Azula rolled her eyes as she sat in her cell listening as Dr. Lectro repeated everything she explained to him in order to understand it, "So...this chi substance flows through the body and you are capable of using this energy to just summon fire without a fuel source?"
"Chi is the fuel." She corrected in annoyance.
"Right." He taps this information away on his hand held device, "And some people are born with this ability and others are not. Correct?"
"And you are only capable of generating fire?"
Azula nodded leaving lightning out of her explanation. She would need an ace up her sleeve should something go wrong.
"And you can only bend one of the four elements. No one can manipulate more than one?"
"Correct." She said quickly leaving no room for doubt on the matter. The last thing she needs is for them to know about the Avatar. It may spark their interest enough to want to seek him out. She still didn't know what the Crimson Storm was or who they held their allegiance for.
Lectro finished tapping away at his tablet, "Absolutely fascinating stuff! What I'd give to run some tests."
Angara's head shot up from where she leaned up against the wall, "Not happening. She stays in the cell, captain's orders."
"Oh come on, you can't expect me to collect all this data and just not run some tests! I gotta find out the science behind this!"
"Then include it in your report. The captain will find you another one to take to the lab. One with a little less attitude."
Azula cocked her head towards Angara, a look of annoyance plastered across her features, "Excuse me?"
Angara replied with indifference, "You're excused, princess."
Her eyes widened a bit. How did they know she was royalty? Did she let something slip in their exchange or is this just another crass comment from this rude individual. She remained silent not acknowledging the comment however Angara noticed the subtle reaction.
"So you are a princess? Figured you were some kind of royalty, given how you carry yourself. Although, I would've expected a princess to dress the part." Angara said with a chuckle while gesturing to Azula's disheveled appearance.
"So why are you dressed like some street urchin? You run away from home because you didn't like who daddy wanted you to marry?"
Azula shot up from her seat, anger flowing through her. They were right, she is a princess and she will not be disrespected by some thug too cowardly to show their face, "I'd watch my tone if I were you." Her voice dripped with malice.
Angara stopped leaning against the wall and approached the cell bars, "Or what?"
Lectro, now sensing the tension between them, decided to step in between them.
"Angara." he said in a measured tone trying to muster as much authority as the captain, "Remember what we said about playing nice with others."
Azula's mouth curled up after hearing this, perhaps she can provoke a reaction out of them and have some fun while in this cell. They seemed too fascinated with her bending to allow Angara to do anything to her.
"Perhaps you should listen to him. After all, you'll probably get in trouble with your captain if you try to go any further with this. Or even worse become embarrassed once I show you some manners on how to properly speak to royalty."
Lectro turned to her shaking his head indicating for her to not escalate the situation further.
A distorted metallic mocking laugh came from Angara, "That's funny, princess. Talking like that to the person who put your ass in this cell to begin with."
"I will admit that, yes, you did take me down. But that was only because I was momentarily overwhelmed by the realization that aliens exist. Given a fair fight I'd have no doubt that I'd make short work of you."
Angara pushed Lectro out of the way as she approached the cell, "Is that right? Then let's get you out of this cell and see if you can put your money where your mouth is!"
"Uh...but what about her staying put?" Lectro asked.
"Shut it Doc." she ordered without ever taking their gaze away from the Princess.
Before their verbal battle could continue the lights dimmed red and the ear piercing alarm returned catching everyone's attention.
"Well...your lucky day. Duty calls." Angara turned away and marched down the corridor, "Doc stay with the prisoner while I go see what's going on."
"But she's not a prisoner!" Lectro shouted as the door slid close behind them. He turned to Azula and gave a sheepish smile, "You're not a prisoner."
"If I'm not a prisoner then let me out of here!" Azula banged on the luminous barrier with her cuffs.
"This is probably the safest place on the ship for you. Don't worry we'll be fine, the captain will take care of this and nothing bad will happen." They were both rocked side to side by an explosion.

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