Minni helped him dismount his suit in the armory. He changed back into his own clothes and gave her the undersuit, exchanging a few words of support and encouragement. They shook hands and went their separate ways.

He took a longer path back to his car, taking the time to appreciate the base's attempt to blend in with nature. Paying attention to the trees and ferns helped pump the brakes of his mind, which had gained momentum from the drama of the past hour. He missed the drama, in a way, the seductive pull of the self-righteous satisfaction. It was the most difficult habit to overcome, and so long as he breathed, it would always come back to tempt him once in a while. There were ways of being content with any outcome, though he admitted to himself that he was not at that stage yet. He very much wanted to return to the Preserve, just a bit more than he wanted to dive into his car and leave skid marks on the way out. Perhaps if Jase weren't involved, he might make a different decision.

His car was still intact and untouched, which he found to be a relief. He relaxed further then he rummaged through the travel back and found the Augmentor Bow still in its pocket at the bottom.

Hello. The thought slipped into his mind, and there was the odd sensation of not knowing if he was sending it or receiving it. It wasn't an unfamiliar experience. Often in deep meditation, the distinction blurred into nothing. Though other times, like during the heist, there was the sense of him projecting thoughts to Jase, as if he were directing a current of energy.

The Bow's presence calmed him further, and he found himself sitting with his hands on the steering wheel for several minutes, just letting himself become absorbed in the silence.

Just as he had the impulse to ignite the engine, his wristpad rang. He took his finger off the button and gazed at the number. Unknown. When he picked up, the Commander's voice came through loud and clear. "I don't want to hear nothing from you, Specialist. Get back here. The Senator just gave me the go-ahead."

The call ended before Domrik could respond. For a moment, it seemed as if he had imagined the call. He was both excited and bummed. The two emotions fought over his attention for a few heartbeats. Then the hesitation faded excitement won over. He climbed out of the car, his hand instinctively yanking the strap of the travel bag over his shoulder. There wasn't enough time to question the decision now. How he would justify bringing his own equipment, he didn't know. He didn't want to think about it.

The base resounded with the Commander's voice projecting from the external public address system. "All teams, suit up and report to the Hangar Nest by 0730. This is not a drill!"

The place was soon alive with activity, troops swarming out of various buildings and funneling toward the complex of buildings that housed the armories and med bays. He stayed clear of most paths until he reached the same building that housed the guest locker rooms. On the way in, he ran into Minni, who shouted "Hi stranger!" as she rushed past and slapped his undersuit onto his chest. He got changed quick, then hauled his travel bag over to the armory. Everyone was in a frenzy of preparation, which included suiting up, replenishing Aetherite stores, and readying their Aetheric rifles. He mounted his power armor with relative ease, and when the external cameras finally delivered a view of his surroundings, he found the Commander standing stiff with folded arms between him and his travel back. Suddenly his hands grew clammy.

"That was a quick decision, sir," Domrik commented, doing his best to not sound pompous.

"The Senator was available on her personal line, fortunately," the Commander replied, shaking his head, allowing himself a wry smile. "You and your silver tongue. Now listen up. You will be the backup to Team Seven. As you have demonstrated, your main function is to spot the danger, given that the rest of us are incompetent in our psychic abilities. I understand you have extensive combat experience, but that does not translate in the slightest to battlefield wargames. Out there, you know nothing. So besides acting as a glorified sensor, you will follow the orders of your Captain and your Lieutenants. Their lives could depend on it. Am I clear?"

Vision Ember - Shards of Aether: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now